Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Character Names I’d Give To My Pet (Cats)

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is a Characters I’d Name a Pet After (These could be your own pets (present or future), you could pick 10 different animals and tell us the name and animal type, or you could choose 10 names that would make fun cat names, etc. Put your own spin on this one!) (submitted by Nushu @ Not A Prima Donna Girl)

Hello Readers! I hope you’re all well and safe today. My reading has been abysmal this month. Nanowrimo is taking up all of my free time, but I did manage to reach my Goodreads Goal for the year–100 books. And I’m one book away from finishing my Popsugar Reading Challenge, as well. Have you been reading more or less than usual?

Today we’re talking about characters we’d name our pets after. I’m sorry dog people, but I’m a cat person, so all the pets I’d name after characters are cats. 😉

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)


Kaz from Six of Crows

Art by kevinwada

I might still have Kaz and the gang on the brain from my recent binge-read of the Six of Crows duology, but I’ve always thought he had a cool name.


Blue from The Raven Cycle

I would love to name a pet after one of my favorite characters, Blue Sargent from The Raven Cycle.


Magnus Bane from the Shadowhunters

One of my favorite characters in the Shadowhunter universe is Magnus Bane. How fun would it be to yell “Magnus Bane” every time the cat did something wrong. 😉


Romeo from Romeo & Juliet

“Romeo, Romeo. Where for art thou, Romeo?” Book or film, Romeo is just a cool name. I know it’s already a popular pet name. What I want to know is when will it become a popular baby name?? 😉


Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk

So, this is the only character that we have named a cat after. Years ago my oldest daughter chose to name our new kitten Jack after Jack and the Beanstalk. A few years later we had a son and named him Jack, as well. (Jack the cat turned out to be more of an outside cat so he went to live out in the country with the grandparents. Actually live not “live.” ;)) I’m always telling my son we didn’t name him after the cat.


Esme from Twilight

You might think I’d pick Bella or Edward, but my favorite name from Twilight is Esme. I’ve always thought it was so pretty. If I’d heard it before I had kids, I might have used it. 🙂


Church the Cat from the Shadowhunters

Art by rawr-xoxo

I think Church the Cat from The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices counts as a character, right??


Fable from Fable

I LOVED Fable and I can’t wait for the sequel. I thought Fable was such a fun and unique name.


Gansey from The Raven Cycle

I’ve always loved Gansey’s name from The Raven Cycle. It reminds me of Gatsby, which I love, too.


Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice

Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice would have to be the name of the most proper and prissy cat.

Have you ever named a pet after a character? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

43 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Character Names I’d Give To My Pet (Cats)”

    1. Isn’t Magnus Bane such a fun name?? I’m not sure I could talk my family into that name (since I’m the only one who’s read the series) but I would love to use it for my next cat. 😉

  1. Haha naming a cat Mr. Darcy is surprisingly a perfect fit ? I also love the name Fable and I think it would go beautifully with a gorgeous fluffy cat! Actually, I just love all your picks ? Great list, Dedra! Also, congrats on reaching your GR goal and for almost completing your Popsugar! I haven’t looked at how many prompts I still have left to go but I know there are lots ?

    1. I’m not surprised we have similar tastes in pet names! <3 I STILL have one book left on my Popsugar challenge, and it's the first book you touch with your eyes closed. I guess I haven't been as anxious to read that one. Ha! Good luck with your challenge. When I'm pressed for time, I pull out novellas and graphic novels. ;)

    1. Thank you! Aww, well, some years I do have to use novella’s or graphic novels towards the end to finish, but thanks to being home so much this year, it’s been easier to complete it. 🙂

  2. Congrats on the 100 book good reads milestone. You must have had a busy year with reading. Also god luck on Nano, I haven’t had much done these past couple days. Time to get on that, I guess. Great list too. I especially liked Kaz is a really neat kitty name, and that Story of Jack was just too sweet!! Romeo is pretty cool too. I have only heard it as a human name outside of the play once I think. This is in a TV show though named Student Bodies. Its a fun show, I used to love as a teenager. It was popular in Canada, about these highschool kids who write and make comics for the schools newspaper. You can fins all the episodes on YouTube. Romeo is a bit of a player in that show though. I liked your list though. Here’s mine if you’re interested. If not, that’s fine as well.

    1. Oooh, thanks for the show recommendation! I’ll have to look it up. I almost didn’t participate in Nano this year, but I hated not to try. I’m managing to stay on target, but I have no idea if anything I’ve written is any good. Ha! It’s hard to be creative this year. <3

  3. Great choices. I think I like Magnus the best of these ones. It seems like you can name a cat just about anything. My grandchildren named their cat Marmalade, because his colouring reminded him of the marmalade they eat at grandma’s house. ?

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