Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books That Give Off Autumn Vibes (Autumn scenes/colors on the cover, autumn atmosphere, etc.).
Books that gave me all the autumnal feels:
(Click on the title below the cover for the synopsis on Goodreads.)

Not only does The Scorpio Races take place in November, it’s super atmospheric. I cannot recommend it enough.

When I think of Eleanor & Park, I think about a scene where they’re standing outside in the cold and Park sticks his hands in the sleeves or holes of Eleanor’s sweater. I have no idea if that scene is real, but it’s what I think of, which puts this book in my list of books that give me autumn vibes. (It’s also what I think of every time I hear the song “Sweater Weather” by the Neighborhood.)

When I think of Fangirl, I think of fall and coffee shops and the start of a new school year.

It’s been years since I read A Separate Peace, but for some reason I still associate it with fall.

All the Harry Potter books scream fall to me, but none more than Deathly Hallows. I think it’s all the camping.

Outlander screams fall. Chills, thrills, and all that plaid.

I read My Plain Jane, a twist on Jane Eyre, for the first time this year, and just like the original, it’s mysterious and brooding, perfect for fall.
Books set in Autumn from my TBR:

I’ve been wanting to read this one for so long and I have no idea why I haven’t yet. I hear it’s the perfect book for this time of year.

I’ve seen this on several ‘books to read for fall’ lists. It looks and sounds autumnal.

This one also sounds perfect for this time of year, mysterious and haunting.
Have I included any of your favorites? What’s your most autumnal recommendation?? Let me know in the comments!
I like your choice of Eleanor and Park and Fangirl — it really made me think of them differnetly.
I think it’s time for a reread of both of those. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by!
I read A Separate Piece many years ago. Good choice there.
Same here. I really don’t remember too much of it. It maybe time for a reread. 🙂
I’m planning on reading The Scorpio Races soon, so it’s great to hear that you loved it! And it’s probably about time that I picked up My Plain Jane as well. I read My Lady Jane earlier this year, and really loved it 🙂
Happy reading!
I’m jealous you get to read Scorpio Races for the first time. It’s so good! And I didn’t think My Plain Jane was quite as good as My Lady Jane, but I still really enjoyed it. It’s definitely more dark.
Thank you for stopping by!
Great list! Love the cover for The Scorpio Races, too!
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Thank you! Checking yours out now. 🙂
It’s been a while since I read The Scorpio Races, but yes to the fall vibes.
I’m thinking it’s time for a reread. Thank you for stopping by! 🙂
I wish I’d thought of a Separate Peace! You are so right! It was my favorite high school book. Great job!
Thank you for stopping by! 🙂
Yeah, all the camping in Deathly Hallows, so many fall vibes! I really love The Thirteenth Tale and The Forgotten Garden’s covers. Great list! ?
Here’s my TTT if you want to check it.
Thank you for stopping by! Checking your list out now!
The Scorpio Races sounds good. I just added it to my Winter TBR lottery.
It’s a gorgeous book! I hope you enjoy it!
Great list! Outlander and The Thirteenth Tale are both on my TBR, and I’ve seen The Scorpio Races on so many lists this week that I think I need to check it out. Harry Potter always reminds me of autumn, too. 😀
Outlander! Such a fall read! lol and the plaid definitely plays a part in that for sure
Ha! Yep, plaid may be my biggest image from Outlander. Besides the stones, of course. 😉
I hadn’t really thought of it, but you’re right about the autumnal feels of Deathly Hallows.
🙂 Thank you for stopping by!
Harry Potter is perfect for this time of year 🙂 Here’s my TTT post for this week: 😀
Thanks for stopping by! I’m taking a look at your list now. 🙂
I finally see a list that has books I actually read!!! Yay 😀 I just love Rainbow Rowell fiction books.
Oh yay!! Then I think you have great taste in books. 😉
I hope she releases some brand new fiction soon!
I agree that HP, A Separate Peace, and Fangirl all give off Autumn vibes. Books about school (even if the book is a full school year) always makes me think about fall!
So the only one on this list I’ve read (I know shame on me) is Outlander, but I do love it! And yeah- plaid definitely seems like a fall thing. ? I’ll have to give The Scorpio Races a try, that one sounds interesting!
You should give The Scorpio Races a try! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t love it. 😉
Happy Reading!
Great selection! And I agree about A Separate Peace. I always associate it with fall as well.
Thank you for stopping by! <3
I have had Eleanor & Park on my TBR forever. Every time I see it on a list I wonder why I still haven’t read the book.
Oh I absolutely loved it! I hope you can get to it soon!
I recently got a copy of The Scorpio races, and I’m very excited to read it. I hope it lives up to the hype for me. I loved Fangirl and Harry Potter!
I hope you like it! I’m jealous that you get to read it for the first time. 😉
Great list! How could I forget My Plain Jane, that is definitely perfect for Autumn vibes!!
I would love for them to write more “Janies”. I had no idea they were so much fun! ? Thanks for stopping by!
I’ve actually never read a Maggie Stiefvater book, and I should probably rectify that soon. I’ve never seen that cover for The Scorpio Races, though, but I love it! It’s been so long since I read The Thirteenth Tale. All I remember of it now is that I enjoyed it. She just came out with a new book last year, though, Once Upon A River. Highly recommend that if you end up enjoying The Thirteenth Tale, if you haven’t read it yet. 🙂
I actually read an arc of Once Upon a River, which led me to The Thirteenth Tale. ? Her writing is so atmospheric. And hopefully you can pick up something from Maggie Stiefvater soon. She’s in my top 5!
I still need to read The Scorpio Races! One of these days….
Oh I hope you can get to it soon. It’s fabulous!
Awesome choices! The only ones I’ve read are Rainbow Rowell’s books but all of these defo give off autumn vibes! I didn’t realize The Thirteenth Tale was set in autumn either but that one’s on my TBR! Great TTT 🙂
Thanks for stopping by my post!
I love Rainbow Rowell. I wasn’t a huge fan of the Simon Snow spinoff, but that’s because I enjoy her contemporary fiction more. I hope she releases a new one soon!
You are so right on with your choices, not only do we share A Separate Peace and the Deathly Hallows (my fave part was the camping) I almost listed The Thirteenth Tale too, but didn’t own it and couldn’t remember why I felt it was fall-ish.
Turns out we also share very similar reading tastes. The Scorpio Races and My Plain Jane are on my tbr and rising to the top!
The camping!! Isn’t it funny how some people felt the camping was boring?? I loved it. And you need to read The Scorpio Races and My Plain Jane soon! They’re so good. And perfect for this time of year. <3
Yes, yes, yes! To all of these! Ah, it’s funny, I just picked up a copy of The Thirteenth Tale while thrifting–literally less than an hour before reading your post. Must fate and mean that I should read it ASAP!
Oh yay!! I love when those kinds of things happen. I definitely think it means you should read it! And then let me know what you thought about it. 🙂
My Plain Jane! Yes!
It was a good one! Thank you for stopping by!
So many great books on this list! Many I’ve just added to the ol’ TBR! XD
I have Outlander on my TBR (I bought it when the TV show was being hyped, with the intent of reading it first) But I still haven’t read (or watched) it! T . T
I’ve heard great things though!!
My Lady Jane is still on my tbr, and it sounds soooooo gooooooooood! I really want to dive into it and My Plain Jane soooon! Especially if it’s a cozy mysterious read!
Happy Reading! <3
I’m glad you found some to add! I’d been putting off Outlander for a long time too and finally got to the book and show this past year. It’s so good. I don’t know why it took me so long. You should go for it! 😉
Thank you for stopping by!
Terrific choices! So many books I love here, especially Outlander, Harry Potter, and the Rainbow Rowell books. 🙂
All great ones! Thank you for stopping by! <3
Always been a fan of how JK Rowling made Hallowe’en into a major annual feasting event in the Harry Potter books.
And yes. Plaid is warm. Something Professor McGonagall has in common with Outlander 😉
Ha! I hadn’t thought about Professor McGonagall’s plaid. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by!
I think The Scorpio Races gives off great autumn vibes! Nice choices.
It’s such a fabulous book!
Thank you for stopping by! <3
There are a lot on your post that I have not read. I like your take on this prompt though.
Thank you for stopping by! 🙂
This is such a great list, so many different genres!
Thank you! 🙂
There is just something so autumnal about the start of each Harry Potter book, right? 🙂
I haven’t read Fangirl in years but I totally agree–I remember it feeling so fall-y with the start of college and everything. I enjoyed that one and Eleanor and Park.
Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier 🙂
ooOOoo these are great choices. I haven’t read The Scorpio Races yet but it’s on my TBR. I’ve heard great things.
Oh it’s so good. I hope you’re able to get to it soon and that you enjoy it!