TBR Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set on the Ocean

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books I’d Gladly Throw in the Ocean (submitted by Beauty & Her Books), but I have a hard time destroying books, so my list would mostly be textbooks or books that didn’t agree with my political views, so I decided to twist it a bit this week and go with books set on the ocean. 😉

Hello Readers! How is everyone? Today I’ll be getting my second vaccine dose! I’m excited to be fully protected. Bookstores, here I come! 😉 We’re also supposed to have warmer weather this week and I’m hoping to spend more time outside—with a book, of course.

Today I did a bit of a twist. I’ll be sharing five books set on the ocean that I enjoyed and five that are on my TBR. I’m a sucker for a good book set at sea. I’ll happily take any recommendations!

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

Read and Enjoyed

  1. Float Plan by Trish Doller – I came across this “road trip on the sea” book just when I needed the escape. It had heart and atmosphere, two of my favorite things in books! My Review
  2. Fable by Adrienne Young – Fable was one of my surprise hits from last year. I was totally enamored with the characters and setting. I still need to read the sequel Namesake, but I hope it has just as many ocean escapades. My Review
  3. My Last Continent by Midge Raymond – This was a backlist read for me, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I still find myself thinking about it, which makes me wonder if I should have rated it higher than 4.25 stars. 😉
  4. Voyager (Outlander, #3) by Diana Gabaldon – The Outlander book that spends a lot of time on the ocean is one of the most memorable Outlanders for me. I’ve currently only made it through Book 6 of the series, and I can only hope that there will be more high sea adventures in one of the next books. But no spoilers, please! 🙂
  5. A Night to Remember by Walter Lord – Is it just me or does everyone go through a Titanic obsession faze? Many years ago I watched/read everything I could get my hands on concerning the ill-fated ocean liner, and this one is a must-read!

From my TBR

  1. The Deep by Rivers Solomon – The description of “water-breathing descendants of African slave women tossed overboard” sounds utterly unique. And that cover!
  2. Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys – This one is waiting on my shelf, and it’s one of those books that I repeatedly overlook but should really be at the top of my TBR. It’s a fictionalized account about the single greatest tragedy in maritime history—no, it’s not the Titanic—during World War II.
  3. Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie – This is the next Agatha Christie film by Kenneth Branagh, coming in February 2022, and I hope to read it before I see it.
  4. The Lion’s Den by Katherine St. John – So this is a mystery/thriller set on a yacht in the Mediterranean. Maybe a modern version of Death on the Nile??
  5. Shipped by Angie Hockman – This is a recently published enemies-to-lovers romance between two fellow employees on a cruise to the Galapagos Islands. Many reviewers say it’s fun, and I could use more fun travel rom-coms. <3

What’s your favorite book set on the ocean? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!


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17 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set on the Ocean”

    1. Thank you! I’ll have to check out Marg’s post. I figured we might see some fun twists this week. 🙂 I’m happy to hear you enjoyed Salt to the Sea and Death on the Nile. I really need to pick those up soon. Haha, I never tire of reading more about the Titanic either.

    1. Oh, I love quote posts! I bet there are a lot of twists this week. Book lovers have a hard time with even the thought of throwing books in the ocean. Ha!

      1. Yeah, from what I saw only about half of the people used the actual prompt. There were a lot of twists! My favorite was probably the one who was throwing books into the ocean… to provide the mermaids with reading material! 😉

  1. Yeah for being fully vaccinated. I hope you have few (or no) side effects. I took a similar approach to this topic, and Float Plan won a spot on my list too. It was quite a journey! I loved Shipped too. The ecco cruise was really interesting.

    1. Woohoo to being fully vaccinated!! I did have a rough day yesterday. I haven’t slept so much in a long time. Totally worth it, though. 😉 I’m excited to pick up Shipped. I love when authors put a new spin on something that’s probably been done before.

  2. I love books that take place at the sea! The only one that I’ve read is The Deep, and I really enjoyed it! I highly recommend the audiobook. It’s narrated by Daveed Diggs from Hamilton, and he does so well narrating!

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