Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books I’ve Read/Want to Read Because of Top Ten Tuesday (books you discovered through Top Ten Tuesday, or they kept appearing in top tens and you got intrigued) (submitted by Ellie at Curiosity Killed the Bookworm)

Hello Readers! I hope you’re staying cool. I think we’ve officially hit 103+ degrees Fahrenheit for two weeks straight. It’s hot down here in Texas. 🥵
I didn’t know if I’d be able to find enough books for this topic, thanks to my terrible memory, but I was surprised by how many books I could recall reading or adding to my TBR thanks to Top Ten Tuesday. But my memory only lasted so far back. So you’re getting 5 books I read and enjoyed and 5 books I added to my TBR thanks to TTT! I wanted to tag the bloggers who inspired me to add these books, but I couldn’t pinpoint with 100% certainty who they were for every book. I should really start adding that to my notes when I add a book.
Let’s see what I found!
(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)
Books I’ve Read and Enjoyed

- The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune – When I think of a book I read solely thanks to TTT, this is the first book that comes to mind. It was seeing this book repeatedly on all of your lists that finally convinced me to read it. And I’m so happy I did.
- The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary – I finally picked up this one thanks to TTT and I quickly got my hands on everything else of O’Leary’s I could find. I still need to read The Switch, but it’s waiting on my shelf.
- The Highland Fling by Meghan Quinn – This was my first book by Quinn and I’ve read a few more, as well, but I adore her ability to combine romance and humor.
- From Lukov With Love by Mariana Zapata – One of my favorite discoveries since I started blogging is this romance author. She’s the queen of the slow-burn.
- Only When It’s Us (Bergman Brothers, #1) by Chloe Liese – I couldn’t resist finally picking up this author when so many of you were shouting her praises. I’ve only made it through the first two books in the series (there are currently six), but I have also read a holiday book by this author. She’s a new favorite!
Books on My TBR

- Truth or Beard (Winston Brothers, #1) by Penny Reid – I have several books by this author waiting on my digital shelves, but I’ve yet to read one. So many of you love this series/author.
- Lovelight Farms (Lovelight, #1) by B.K. Borison – Who hasn’t read this series?! I feel like only me. 😃 I’m determined to make it happen this year.
- Adelaide by Genevieve Wheeler – This book hasn’t received a lot of attention, but the few of you I’ve seen read it, have described it as surprisingly emotional, and I’m a sucker for those kinds of books.
- The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen – I’d been seeing this fantasy romance everywhere before I finally caved and added it to my TBR.
- Wolfsong (Green Creek, #1) by TJ Klune – You’d think after reading and enjoying The House in the Cerulean Sea, I’d automatically add anything else by Klune, but for some reason I’m never intrigued by his books’ synopses. It takes a fellow reader’s strong recommendation to sway me.

Have you read any of these books? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

I have some of these on my TBR too! The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy and The Flatshare come to mind. They’re not officially on my TBR but I really need to hop on that TJ Klune hype train and see what all the fuss is about.
Have a great week!
I was so late to pick up Klune, but I thought it was worth the hype. 😃
I’ve only read one of these (The House in the Cerulean Sea) but so many of them look familiar! I’ve seen them on a lot of TTT lists, too.
My TTT: https://bookwyrmknits.com/2023/08/08/top-ten-tuesday-books-on-my-tbr-because-of-ttt/
So happy I finally listened to all of you and picked up The House in the Cerulean Sea. 🙂
I’m 99% sure I found Beth/The Flatshare from a TTT list as well. It sounds like a fun read. 🙂
It definitely started my love for O’Leary!
I am the same Dedra, I don’t remember who recommended all of them. From your list, I have read 3 and have another 4 on my TBR. Great choices.
We read and add way too many books to remember, right?! 😃
I’ve read and loved all but Flatshare on your first list. I should read that one. I can’t wait for you to read 1,2 and 4.
I thought Flatshare was great! And I think she’s improved with each book after, but that was such a fun and unique story. I bought a copy of Lovelight Farms yesterday at a bookstore! I didn’t even know they were available in print. So I should get to that one, at least, soonish. 😉
The House in the Cerulean Sea sure sounds good.
Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.
I thought it lived up to the hype!
I had Hart and Mercy on my list. My daughter (a blogger) made me read it. No regrets. I hope you get to it
That’s what I keep hearing! I need to move it up higher on my tbr. 🙂
I loved the Flatshare! It’s a movie soon. I’m not sure if I’ll watch–I loved the book that much.
I think it’s a tv series, right?! I think it’s already available in the UK and Australia and is coming to the US soon. But it’ll be on Paramount+, which is the one streaming service I don’t have. 🤦♀️😃
Same. This topic made me realize how bad I am at remembering who recommended which book. It also just occurred to me that I could use the “Private Notes” section at Goodreads to record this information. Wish I had had this lightbulb moment sooner! LOL.
Happy TTT!
Yes!! I’ve used the “Private Notes” section for other things, but not for recommendations. I’m gonna *try* to do that. We’ll see how it goes. 😃
The House In The Cerulean Sea has certainly been on a lot of TTT lists! I’m okay at remembering which books I found through TTT but terrible at remembering who exactly I got the recommendation from…..
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/08/08/top-ten-tuesday-432/
Yes! I’m gonna try to start adding who recommended a book to my “Private Notes” in Goodreads, but who knows if I’ll remember to do that! Haha!
Ha ha I doubt I would!
The Flatshare is my favorite by O’Leary. Glad you loved it too!