Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want to Read Again

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books I Want to Read Again (This could mean books you plan on re-reading OR books you wish you could read again for the first time.)

Hello Readers! We made it to December! November was a bit of a whirlwind for me, but I finished Nanowrimo and finished my yearly Popsugar Reading Challenge, (the 2021 list is supposed to be released today!!) so now I’m excited to read for fun and get back to blog-hopping.

This week we’re looking at books we would like to read again. I LOVE to reread books! I was disappointed to discover I’d only reread 4 books in 2019, so I set a goal to read more in 2020. So far I’ve reread 12! I would call that a success. I won’t be including any of the ones I’ve recently reread, which includes The Twilight Saga and The Infernal Devices. But here are some of the books I’d like to read again, including a few I read for the first time this year. Let’s take a look!

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)

  1. The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker – I finally read this super-hyped romance set in Alaska… and I loved it! I’m excited about the novella, Forever Wild, which is available today! But someday I want to reread the first two books.
  2. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo – One of my goals for 2020 was to read the Shadow and Bone Trilogy and the Six of Crows Duology. I was starting to think it wasn’t going to happen, but I finally binged it in October. I would love to reread the duology. I sped through it so fast, I know there are things I missed and didn’t get to appreciate.
  3. Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer – I read the long-awaited Midnight Sun during the summer when it was released, but it’s another one I sped through and feel like it deserves a reread.
  4. Beach Read by Emily Henry – This may be my favorite read of 2020. (I’m reserving my final decision until the very end of the year. 😉 ) I thought it was as close to perfect as a book can get. I will definitely be rereading it during 2021!
  5. The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren – It’s been a couple of years since I read The Unhoneymooners, but it was so much fun, it deserves a reread!
  6. This is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper – I’ve read several of Tropper’s books, but this one is my favorite. While it isn’t perfect, I laughed and smiled so much. Books (with humor) about dysfunctional families are among some of my favorite books. (I enjoyed the film adaptation staring Jason Bateman, as well.)
  7. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen – It’s been years since I read this one, but I remember loving it so much. I would love to see if it holds up.
  8. The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater – I’ve only ever read this one once, and it was many years ago. I would love to see if it’s one I still love.
  9. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell – I’ve mentioned Fangirl in several Top Ten Tuesdays lately. I think that means it’s time for a reread. I’ve only ever read it once, but I enjoyed it so much. Really, that goes for all of Rowell’s books.
  10. The Emperor’s Edge by Lindsay Buroker – One of my very favorite series! I’ve read it many times, but it’s currently been 6 or 7 years. It’s time for a reread!

Do you like to reread books? What book are you most looking forward to reading again? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

47 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want to Read Again”

  1. Simple Wild is still on my TBR (gonna have to do an interlibrary loan request for it), but I’m so excited to hear there’s a bonus novella! I was planning to read Midnight Sun this fall, but I got too busy so I’ve put it off until the new year — I definitely don’t want to speed through it. And Fangirl requires a chunk of a time investment…but I would like to reread that one too. Great choice.

    Re: #4, I’m jealous you even have an idea of a possible favorite! I’ve got like 20 books that are my favorite and choosing between them is sooo hard already…and I’ve got a month to find more!

    1. Oh, you need to read The Simple Wild soon! As soon as I did, I wished I hadn’t waited so long. 🙂 And I feel like I did speed through Midnight Sun. I was just so excited to finally have it in my hands, you know??

      Ha! Well, it’s not always a clear choice for me, but this year I fell in love with that book. I wanted to unread it as soon as I finished just so I could read it again for the first. time. Maybe just don’t pick a favorite! It’s okay to have 20 favorites. 😉

  2. I’ve been planning to read the Shadow and Bone series for ages, so I feel like I’d end up rereading Six of Crows after when I finally get around to it. I totally sped through it too!

    Great list 🙂

    1. I binged the Shadow and Bone series and the Six of Crows duology one after the other. While I enjoyed the Shadow and Bone series, it’s not one I’ll probably reread. I never understood why it wasn’t necessary to read SaB first until I finally read them. 😉

  3. Interesting choices! I’ve only read Water for Elephants and Unhoneymooners, but I’ll take a look at some of these. If they are worth re-reading, they must be worth a look! Thanks

  4. Ooh, I read Midnight Sun as soon as it came out, and honestly I have to say I hate Edward a lot less. Bella still seems annoying and pathetic but oh well.

  5. I keep meaning to pick up Beach Read! I think you saying it was your favourite book of this year might just have swayed me… Unfortunately, though, I was super disappointed with Midnight Sun. Edward was just (and I can’t believe I’m saying this… teenage me would be so ASHAMED) too broody for me! I have been feeling pretty nostalgic for the original series since reading it, though, so I’ll probably end up picking them up soon.

    Shaunna x
    My TTT post

    1. I hope you give Beach Read a try! I loved it so much. Yes, Edward was very broody in Midnight Sun. I had to immediately continue the series after I finished it so I could give Edward his happy ending. 😉

  6. Fun list! I enjoyed reading Fangirl also, but it’s too soon for me to consider a re-read. That is one of those books where I think I’ll need to forget most of what’s in it for me to properly enjoy a re-read.

  7. Wow! I’ve read all of these but that last one. I feel like this never happens! I would reread any of these except maybe Water for Elephants. I got a little bored in that one, no matter how good the story was. Nice list!

  8. I am not a re-reader, but the six up there that I have read were all pretty awesome, and just seeing the covers has me reliving some of the feels.

  9. I don’t really re-read but The Unhoneymooners is such a good option! I loved that book so much. Fangirl is wonderful and I actually just read the first graphic novel and really loved my time back there! I think GN is the way I typically re-read these days. lol

    1. Yay!! I really wanted to reread The Scorpio Races in November, but I couldn’t find the time. I hope you can get to The Unhoneymooners soon! It was so much fun. <3

  10. Oh wowow, Beach Read might be your fave of the year?! I can’t believe I haven’t read that book yet although now I think I definitely have to make it a priority ? I want to reread The Simple Wild too and Six of Crows also made it onto my list this week. Definitely wanna reread that one! Great list, Dedra 🙂 Also, congrats on finishing NaNoWriMo and your POPSUGAR!

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