Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books I Read Because Someone Recommended Them To Me (tell us who recommended them, if you want!).

Hello Readers! I can’t believe we’re already halfway through October! I’ve been busy trying to speed through my final books on my reading challenges for the year. I typically participate in Nanowrimo in November. I wasn’t sure if I was going to participate this year—I haven’t been feeling very creative. But I had a flash of creativity the other day and an idea for a new story came to me. So I may decide to give it a try after all. But that means I have even less time to get all my reading challenge books read. And December doesn’t count—I try to reserve December for holiday and mood reading. It’s my gift to myself. 😉
This week we’re talking about books we read because someone recommended them to us. I don’t have a ton of readers around me, so most of my recommendations come from fellow bloggers and bookstagrammers, but I do have a few books that friends and family have recommended to me over the years. Let’s take a look!
(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)
- Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert – I finally read this one earlier this year thanks to so many of YOU highly recommending it! It was fun, but with some depth.
Do I recommend it to you? YES! - The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang – I’d seen this one all over bookstagram, but it was a friend on Goodreads that finally convinced me to pick it up. It was my first 5-star read for 2020!
Do I recommend it to you? YES! - The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren – Bookstagram definitely made me read this one. It was my first Christina Lauren book, and I’m so happy I discovered this romance-writing duo.
Do I recommend it to you? YES! - Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch – I’d seen this book around, but I was finally convinced to pick it up by all of you. I had so much fun reading this one and Love & Luck over the summer!
Do I recommend it to you? YES! - The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker – I believe it was after seeing this series recommended by Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse that I finally picked it up. It’s one of my favorite reads this year!
Do I recommend it to you? YES! - The Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones by Daven McQueen – It was Dini’s review that convinced me to request this one on Netgalley. I’m so glad I did. I was so impressed with it. Here’s my review, too!
Do I recommend it to you? YES! - The Secret History by Donna Tartt – So, my daughter recommended I read this one, but I ended up not loving it. I’m still shocked I didn’t. It sounds like it has everything I would love in a book. But I actually liked The Goldfinch better.
Do I recommend it to you? Nah. I know I’m in the minority with this one, though, so you should probably not listen to me. 😉 - The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom – A friend recommended this one to me, and I don’t remember liking it very much, but when I checked Goodreads, I gave it 3.5 stars.
Do I recommend it to you? Maybe?? But probably not. - The Iron King by Julie Kagawa – So, this was a fun recommendation! I picked up a copy of this book (the original edition not these new gorgeous ones) at a garage sale. The owner recommended it, so I took a chance. It was like 50 cents, so why not?? I ended up really enjoying The Iron Fey series.
Do I recommend it to you? YES! - Cinder by Marissa Meyer – The Lunar Chronicles came highly, highly recommended on Bookstagram. I just remember it being everywhere. And I’ve now read through it several times. It’s time for a reread again!
Do I recommend it to you? YES!

Have you read any of these? What’s your favorite recommendation of all time? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

I like the way you give us a recommendation on these books. Thank you. . My TTT list
I recommended my recommendations. 😉
Great list! Get a Life, Chloe Brown and The Kiss Quotient are really fun, and I still have such a soft spot for Cinder and the whole Lunar Chronicles. I’m sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy The Secret History! It’s one I’d like to try one day, but I’m in no rush to get to it.
Yes, I’m bummed The Secret History wasn’t for me, but you should definitely give it a try!
Great list Dedra. I also read several of these due to recommendations and enjoyed them. I will have to get my list together.
I’m glad to hear you enjoyed them, too!
I’m so glad you enjoyed The Lunar Chronicles! That series is actually what got me into bookstagram / the online book community.
I believe it! It was everywhere. <3
I adore the Lunar Chronicles so much. They are fantastic. Thanks for the post.
Me too!!! Cress is my favorite. <3
Our reading tastes are so similar! I liked every book you recommended and didn’t like The Secret History too.
Really!!?? It’s so nice to hear I’m not alone with The Secret History. I feel so bad that I didn’t like that one. Ha! And great minds think alike, right?? 😉
I’ve heard so many good things about Love & Gelato.
My post.
It was such a fun escape!
I wasn’t a massive fan of Cinder, but I’m glad you enjoyed it more than I did!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2020/10/20/top-ten-tuesday-286/
Oh really?? I’m sorry to hear that. I will say that I liked the later books more than the first. I think the author’s writing improved with each one. Cress was my favorite, though. 🙂
I love that you include your own recommendations on the books that were recommended to you! Great touch. Especially since they’re not always an immediate “yes”.
I flipped that back around, didn’t I?? 😉
Wonderful post as always!! <3
I've seen The Kiss Quotient around a lot and everyone seems to love it, but I'm not sure what it's even about – I think I'm just going to have to dive in to it! ?
I loved Love & Gelato too! It was such a good read to pick up during the Summer, I haven't read Love & Luck yet!!!!! I might need to get my hands on that soon!
Happy Reading!! <3
I was so hesitant about The Kiss Quotient, too! Anything with math immediately repulses me. LOL But it’s a great romance. But I will warn you it’s pretty steamy–if that’s not your kind of thing. 😉
I think I liked Love & Luck even more than Love & Gelato! But it was pretty close. They were the perfect escape-reads for me!
Love and Gelato has been on my TBR for a while, it sounds like so much fun so I should really just get to it! The Unhoneymooners and The Kiss Quotient are some of my favorite romance books ever!
Loved both Love & Gelato and Love & Luck! They were the perfect escape-reads this summer. I’m excited for the newest, Love & Olives, too. It’s set in Greece, which is my dream destination. <3
Great list! I read Heartless and keep meaning to pick up The Lunar Chronicles, still haven’t got to it after 3 years!
Here’s my TTT!
And I’ve had Heartless waiting on my shelf since it came out. Ha! I need to pick it up soon. 🙂
Aw!!! I am so, so happy I could recommend such a great book to you and that you loved it. It makes my book loving heart so happy! Yay for The Simple Wild!
I’m happy I listened to you! <3
I read The Kiss Quotient because of book bloggers too (I say the book had me at math, LOL). I bought The Unhoneymooners and The Lunar Chronicles when I found them on sale because of book bloggers… but I still haven’t gotten around to reading them. I really should!
Ha! That’s funny. I kept avoiding The Kiss Quotient because I avoid anything to do with math. lol But then my friend assured me it wasn’t really about that. 😉
You should pick up The Lunar Chronicles! I think each one gets better and better, which is rare for a series. But my favorite is Cress. <3
Great list! I still see Cinder (and that whole series, actually) everywhere and have had it recommended so many times. I bought the series, so I’m one step closer to reading them now (or that’s what I’m telling myself at least … shhh, let me believe this delusion). I really need to read The Iron Fey series, too!
Haha! I hear ya. I’ve bought so many series, collecting them one by one and telling myself I’ll read them when I have all the books to complete the series. Then they sit and wait. But The Lunar Chronicles is one I’ve read through several times. <3
I’m glad to hear about the idea spark for NaNo! I seriously need to read the Lunar Chronicles. I love retellings, so I really don’t understand why I haven’t read those yet, or how I missed every one of them when they came out. I need to get Love & Gelato as well. I read Love & Luck earlier this year, so I really want to read the other two in the series!
Oh, I hope you get to pick up The Lunar Chronicles soon! It would be a great series to get lost in right now. 🙂 And yes, the Love & … books are so much fun. Great escapes, too! <3
Great list of books, Dedra! I’m so glad that my review was able to convince you to pick up Juniper Jones ❤️ That was such an unexpected gem to read and I’m so glad you enjoyed it too! Some of these are still on my TBR but since we do have similar book tastes, I think I’ll have a good idea for what I might and might not enjoy ? The one I’m most hesitant about is Tartt’s book coz I gotta be honest, I struggled with The Goldfinch and I still need to finish it! Haha
Tartt’s books are beasts, right?? I would be curious to know how you felt about The Secret History, too, since we do share such similar tastes…. and I feel so alone with my apathetic views. Ha!