Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Love So Much I Own Multiple Copies

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books I Loved So Much I Had to Get a Copy for My Personal Library (Maybe you received an ARC or borrowed from a friend/the library and loved it so much you wanted your own! Or maybe you read it in one format and wanted another format, like you read it in ebook and wanted a physical copy to display on your shelves or you read it the paperback and would love to re-read it on audio. Change this TTT title to fit your post best!) (Submitted by Alecia @ The Staircase Reader)

Hello Readers! It seems absolutely bonkers that we’ve made it to September! I’ll be celebrating my 3rd Blogiversary at the end of the week, so be on the lookout for that post. Once again, this year flew by. The temps have dropped from triple digits back down to a more manageable low to mid 90 degrees, which has only made the frenzy for fall explode here in Texas. Give us all the pumpkin spiced things now!

I had to twist today’s topic just a bit because I couldn’t come up with 10 books I’ve read and purchased in a different format. I could have come up with 10 I WANT to own in physical form, but I decided to go with 10 that I own multiple copies of because I can include different variations on the topic.

Here are the books I love so much I needed more! (In no particular order.)


The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

I couldn’t resist the Owlcrate edition of The Scorpio Races last year for the book’s 10th anniversary, even though I already owned a copy.


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I own my original paperback copy of Pride and Prejudice, an ebook copy, as well as this Penguin clothbound edition.


Just One Day Duology by Gayle Forman

I originally read the Just One duology in ebook form, then purchased the physical books, and finally purchasd the combined edition that includes the final short story, Just One Night.


Harry Potter

We own various copies of various books from the Harry Potter series. Hardbacks, paperbacks, audiobooks. My kids used to need multiple copies because they were reading them at the same time or their copies were so well-loved they were falling apart.


Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

I’ve owned several copies of the various books in the Twilight series over the years, as well. But I currently have two copies of Eclipse, a paperback (which I prefer to read) and hardback for on my bookshelf. BTW, This shot was taken on the day of the solar eclipse back in August of 2017. 😉


Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

I’ve read my paperback copy of Into Thin Air (about the tragic disaster on Mount Everest in 1996) many times. It launched a bit of an obsession with all things Everest for a few months. I was especially excited to come across an illustrated edition of the book with photos from the ill-fated trip. Both of these copies are displayed on my bookshelf.


Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

I own my original paperback copy of Little Women and a Penguin Threads edition I came across in a thriftstore.


Easy and Breakable by Tammara Webber

I originally read Easy and Breakable by Tammara Webber on ebook, but when I came across both copies at Half Price Books (and in the clearance section!), I couldn’t pass them up to add to my shelf.


Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

I have my original paperback copy of Romeo and Juliet, my No Fear edition, and the chooseable-path edition by Ryan North. I also own a massive Complete Works of William Shakespeare, which of course includes the famous tragedy.


In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren

I have several eARCs I’ve read that I would like to own physical copies of, but In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren may be the first one I’ve actually purchased. So far. I reread this one while on a holiday getaway to Colorado last year with extended family. It may become one I reread every Christmas season!

What book do you own the most copies of? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

19 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Love So Much I Own Multiple Copies”

  1. I have never seen Easy on any lists. It is never talked about and I don’t understand why. Such a great book talking about such an important topic. I have lost count of how many times I have recommended it. So glad you listed it

  2. I want to read In A Holidaze. I saw it everywhere last year, but haven’t got round to getting a copy (in any format!). I have a Harry Potter collection as does my partner. We are reading them to my son – I thought it may be a step too far to get him a collection as well, but maybe not…

    Have a good week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Oh, I hope you enjoy In a Holidaze as much as I did! I really think I could read it once a year. 😉 We used to always just pick up copies of Harry Potter when we found them in thrift stores or used books stores. I don’t think we ever purchased a brand new copy. But we were late to the Harry Potter party. 🙂

      1. I like that – creating a tradition.

        I was fairly late as I was 7 when it first came out and I was like why do I want to read about a boy in school! I corrected myself and preordered the books from 4 onwards!

  3. Which book do I own the most copies of? There are a few books that I own 3 versions of, but the one that came to mind first was Tolkien’s The Hobbit. (paperback, fancy hardback, and audio) Though there are also Shakespeare plays that I own multiple copies of, too. I think I still have a paperback copy of one or two that we studied in school? Plus a free ebook or two, and my Complete Works version. I guess owning multiple copies of books is one of the hazards of being an English major at university. 😉

    My TTT:

      1. I only kept some of my course books from school, and I’m a bit annoyed at that. I wish I’d kept more of them! Some of the ones I got rid of I later had to re-purchase because I decided I wanted to have them (sometimes many years later). I did keep my favorites, at least.

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