Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Pet Peeves

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Bookish Pet Peeves!

Hello Readers and Happy October! Cooler weather is starting to creep in, the year is quickly winding down, and while I love this time of year, I can’t help wondering how we arrived here so fast. I’m hoping the last three months of the year don’t fly by in a blur. It probably won’t help that I have a lot of books I still want to read before January 2022 arrives. But I’m happily anticipating all my seasonal reads!

My first instinct was to do something different this week. I thought to myself, “You don’t have any bookish pet peeves.” But after about 10 seconds of research, I realized, oh yes I do. Please accept these all in good fun. 🙂

Let’s see what I’ve picked!

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)


When someone talks to me while I’m reading.


Badly edited books.


When someone is proud of the fact they don’t like to read.


When a film or TV adaptation drastically changes the plot.


Being unable to convince others to try your favorite book.




When people judge a book without reading it.


Stickers on book covers.


When someone calls your favorite character by the wrong name.


When others have no sympathy for my book hangover.

What’s your biggest bookish pet peeve? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

25 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Pet Peeves”

  1. I don’t love the whole *drastic* changes between books and film. I don’t mind unique things or unique ways of telling a thread in a book, but I don’t like the DRASTIC differences. Hope you have a great October!!

    1. Yes! I agree completely. Sometimes they make changes that actually make the story better. But sometimes a book is already perfect and doesn’t need to be changed. 😉

  2. Great list and such a fun post! Love the pictures you’ve included to support your list 😃 I also hate it when adaptations are so different from the book especially when it’s one that I loved! I also hate it when people talk to me when I’m reading (and then don’t get why I’m irritated that they’re interrupting me LOL)!

    1. Yes!! People see a book opened in front of someone and just think, “Oh they must be bored and that’s why they’re reading!” Haha! And it’s especially hard for me to quickly shift my brain from what’s happening in my book to what someone is saying to me. Which means they usually have to repeat themselves. 🤦‍♀️😃

      1. Haha I mean, I even ask them how they’d feel if I interrupted them while they were gaming or watching a show/movie and they still don’t get it 😂 to be fair, and as petty as it is, if they interrupt you while you’re busy reading, they can defo repeat themselves!

  3. The amount of spoilers I’ve gotten for the Grishaverse at this point is ridiculous. And on 1, my partner has this mystifying ability to walk into a room and start talking to me – a couple of pages from finishing a book 😭

    1. Oh yes! I finally read the Grishaverse last year and I don’t know how I avoided major spoilers. I think only because before I read the books I had no idea who The Darkling was. I thought it was a creature. Haha! And I’ll find myself speed reading the last few pages of a good book just knowing someone is about to come in and interrupt me. Or I’ve even been known to save it for the wee hours of the night when I know I won’t be interrupted. 😉

    1. Yes!! I’ll never understand why people feel the need to rate a book they haven’t read. There are plenty of books/authors I won’t read because I might find them problematic, but I’m not going to rate their books. Basically that’s just giving them attention, anyway. 🤷‍♀️😃

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