Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers That Are Eerily Similar

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Book Cover Freebie! I’ve been wanting to do a post over similar book covers, so this seemed like the perfect time for this prompt. It ended up being one of my favorite Top Ten Tuesday posts yet, so I hope you enjoy!

Have you ever been scrolling through books on Goodreads or Amazon or another blog and had to scroll back when a cover caught your eye that looked very similar to another book? I’m always amazed at how many covers are so similar and some of them are even published around the same time. Here are a few that have always stood out to me.

(Link to synopsis on Goodreads through the book title.)


The Program, a YA dystopian, was published first, but I never noticed it until I read an ARC of The Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood, a book I did not enjoy and only gave two stars to.


I haven’t read either of these yet, but Last Couple Standing comes out in March of this year and The Flatshare was published in late 2019. I’m intrigued by both of these contemporary romances featuring white beds.


Everything I Never Told You and Everything Happens for a Reason

I own an unread copy of Everything I Never Told You, published in 2014. Published four years later, Everything Happens for a Reason has a similar cover AND title.


Not the Girl You Marry and If I Never Met You

I haven’t read either of these, but they are representative of a whole slew of contemporary romances done in this artistic style that all look similar to each other. But I’m not complaining. I love the fun pops of color and pretty fonts.


Across the Universe and Glimmerglass

Across the Universe, a YA science fiction by Beth Revis, is another book unread on my shelf. It was actually published after Glimmerglass, a YA fantasy novel that I always thought had such a beautiful cover, as well.


The Most Fun We Ever Had and A Good Neighborhood

The Most Fun We Ever Had is one of my top reads from last year that actually featured an important tree in the story, and A Good Neighborhood is an ARC I have that will be published soon. Both of these are adult contemporaries featuring family drama. I’ll be anxious to see if A Good Neighborhood has a significant tree, as well.


Fahrenheit 451 and Lust & Wonder

I haven’t read either of these, but I can’t help but wonder if Fahrenheit 451 is an important influence in Augusten Burrough’s memoir, Lust & Wonder. Have you read it? Or is this just a random coincidence?


We Met in December and One Day in December

One Day in December and We Met in December were published about a year apart, but they are both romantic contemporaries set in London at Christmas. The titles and covers could be interchangeable.


The Deep and The Deep

When I first started seeing both of these around, I was confused by the similar covers. Until I finally read the synopsis. They’re very different books. And I could probably do a whole top ten on just books titled The Deep. 😉


The Library at Mount Char and The Library of the Unwritten

These are the books that first inspired me to look for similar covers. I read an ARC of The Library at Mount Char. It was not a book I enjoyed, and in fact I still have a feeling of repulsion when I see the cover, but the first time I saw the The Library of the Unwritten, I thought The Library at Mount Char must have received a new cover.

Have you ever noticed how similar these covers are? Do you know of other covers that are similar? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

81 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers That Are Eerily Similar”

  1. I like your take on the topic! I had both Glimmerglass and Across the Universe on my shelf and one point and never saw the similarity until now. XD

    1. I’ve kind of kept a running list in my head over the years. I did forget what some of the matches were and had to do some scanning on Goodreads to find them. 😉

    1. Yes, sometimes it works and sometimes it seems like maybe they’re hoping readers get confused and buy their book instead. ?‍♀️?

    1. Yes, that is the one that perplexes me the most because they were published so close together. It’s very curious! 🙂

    1. I saw that! Great minds and all that. Lol And I love that we had completely different ones! 🙂

  2. What a fun post! How on earth did you find these? Some of those are so similar it makes you wonder about the graphic designer – if they took their inspiration from the other… or it was just what happened. 😉

    1. I liked the look, but I did not like The Library at Mount Char. I know nothing about The Library of the Unwritten. ?

  3. I always love seeing these similar cover things, because I never think much about it. But I wonder if it’s intentional, in some way? I had the same problem with The Deep and … The Deep? I mean, I can tell their covers apart well enough (mermaid vs. big boat in the background), but I still kept getting the dang books confused.

    You know, I never even noticed how similar the covers were for The Library at Mount Char and the Library of the Unwritten! I’ve read the latter (not the former, though), and if you haven’t, I recommend it. :3

    1. Some of them have to be intentional. Right?? I can’t imagine that they’re not. But yeah, The Deep is the oddest one to me because they came out so close to each other. Maybe someone didn’t do their research?? ?

  4. I don’t really ever pay attention to similar covers, so I love the approach you took with this topic! For me, without having them right next to each other I wouldn’t really pay that much attention. Having them right beside each other likes this makes me wonder how many people actually notice it… Also with some of these books published only a few years apart, I’m curious if any of them might have the same cover artist.

    1. I wondered the same thing. Or if whoever was designing the cover was told to mimic the other one. We may never know. ?

  5. Great list! It’s interesting how some of these books also have similar titles. I had to look at Across the Universe for about 30 seconds before I could make out the faces, haha (I was looking for the face in the glittery part, not the black silhouettes :P)

  6. Oooh, this is a great list for the cover freebie prompt! I love comparing similar looking covers. It makes me wonder how publishers decide on a cover design.

    Awesome list!

    1. I have not read either or them. They are both very intriguing. I especially want to read the one by Alma Katsu which deals with the Titanic.

      Going to check your post out now! 🙂

  7. I wonder how many times similar covers are a coincidence and how many times they’re not. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed this kind of thing myself, but maybe I will now. Interesting list!

    1. I can’t help but wonder the same thing. And I have a weird tendency to notice the smallest things. ?

  8. Some fantastic book cover twins here Dedra. I agree with you, #10 is particularly creepy, but definitely eye-catching, the idea of something living bursting through an inanimate object just plain scary!

    PS: I highly recommend The Flatshare. Averse to all the buzz, I held out for a while, but glad it eventually made its way onto my reading pile – it has real depth behind its cuteness and laughs.

    1. Oh thank you for recommending The Flatshare! It’s definitely going on my tbr. Hopefully I can pick it up soon! <3

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