Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Authors Who Have a Fun Social Media Presence!

Hello Readers! March has arrived, and for most people in the U.S. that means Spring Break! and vacations. But not for us. We’ll be doing some home projects this month that will be taking up loads of my time. Which means less time for reading, but yay for new floors, right?? [That’s me trying to motivate myself.] While I won’t be able to devote as much time to blog hopping this week, if you’ll let me know you stopped by, I promise I’ll return the favor. 😉
Instagram is my primary source of social media, so today I’ll be sharing some of my favorite authors’ Instagrams. I love to follow all of these authors and get the latest news on their upcoming books, latest updates on film and television adaptations, giveaways, and even glimpses into their “regular” lives. 🙂
Maggie Stiefvater
Cassandra Clare
David Yoon
Marissa Meyer
Taylor Jenkins Reid
Katherine Center
Christina Lauren
While Zoella is more of a YouTuber, she is a published author and has a Book Club!
Rainbow Rowell
Jenny Han

Do you follow any of these authors? Which author is YOUR favorite to follow on social media? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

I cannot believe I forgot Jenny Han. *sighs* I really like her account too, all the To All the Boys production photos are adorable!
She is such a fun follow! And I was so relieved that I enjoyed both screen adaptations of her books. 😉
This is such a fun post — and reminded me I don’t pay nearly enough attention to instagram like I should.! And … a couple here I didn’t know about!
I can only seem to manage one social media platform at a time, and I’m a sucker for great photos. 😉
I follow Rainbow Rowell, Cassandra Clare, and Maggie Stiefvater. I loved that photo she shared of the guys from The Last Hours!
Yes! If you haven’t gotten a copy of Chain of Gold, that picture is in the front! At least in the first editions here. 😉
I’ll have to double check my copy. I read the ARC, so when I got the finished copy I went straight to the bonus material about Will and Tessa’s wedding. But I saw her sharing that photo on Instagram.
I went straight for Will and Tessa’s story, too. ?
What a cool list. Out of curiosity, how did you get these images from Instagram into your post? Are they screenshots?
My TTT .
Thanks, Lydia! I’m not sure how it works on other blog platforms, but on WordPress you can embed a link to the Instagram post you want to share. The images should be clickable and take you to the post on Instagram. 🙂
Love your choices– and I follow most of them on Instagram also! Instagram is a way healthier place to follow authors IMO. More pictures and lightness, less YELLING!!
I agree! I just want to look at pictures. I don’t need the added stress. Ha!
Ahh why didn’t I ever think to follow Taylor Jenkins Reid? I love her books. Awesome list 🙂
My TTT: https://alittlenerdtoldme.wordpress.com/2020/03/10/top-ten-tuesday-authors-who-have-a-fun-social-media-presence/
Oh yay! I’m happy you found a new author to follow. 🙂
Fab list… now if only I understood Instagram better!
Ha! It does take a bit to get used to, but it’s fine just to scroll through the pretty pictures, as well. 😉
I follow a few of these authors, but I need to go follow Katherine Center!
She has one of the most positive and refreshing accounts of them all! <3
Great choices!
Thanks you! <3
Cassandra Clare is one of my favorites too! I love all the art she posts! Hannah @ Back Shelf Books
Yes! It’s nice knowing how the author herself pictures her characters. 🙂
How on earth did I forget Marissa Meyer?!?! I totally followed a few of these!! :):)
Oh yay!! I’m so glad you found some new authors to follow. <3
I love that you chose to do Instagram! It’s so nice looking at all the lovely pictures. :3 Will have to check these out.
I think my favorite IG author to follow is C.G. Drews (PaperFury), because she not only talks about her books, but also shares about other books (because … blogger) AND she takes the most gorgeous, colorful pictures. And she’s just got an adorable personality.
I totally follow her, too! Her pictures are amazing. So creative and pretty. I guess I didn’t even realize she was an author. 🙂
Great list, Dedra! I love following Schwab and Rowell too. It’s been a while since I’ve been on bookstagram but I love that Katherine Center always responds to messages 🙂 She’s a fun author to follow! And of course, CLo are awesome too 😀
Yes! I love when authors personally respond. Katherine is one of the best. Her kindness shows through everything she does. <3
Maggie Stiefvater is on my list as well. I forgot Christina Lauren, but they are really cool as well!
Lisa Loves Literature’s TTT
Yes, they are! I’m headed to check out your choices now. 🙂
I really love Maggie Stiefvater’s social media. She always has such interesting things to say!
Yes! I especially love when she shares her internal thoughts when she’s faced with small talk. Ha! 😉