Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Authors I’ve Read the Most Books By.

Hello Readers! Today’s topic is one that I thought I would know most of the answers for off the top of my head. But since I’m a stickler for facts, I had to do the research. And I was surprised to find my answers were very different from what I thought they’d be. One thing is for sure, I need to diversify my top-read authors!
I’ll be tackling my top ten most-read authors by counting down to my number one, most-read author!

(Link to Goodreads author profile through author’s name.
Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)
Tammara Webber

Tammara Webber, an author of contemporary romance novels, is probably best-known for her book, Easy from the Contours of the Heart series. I think it may have been the first book labeled ‘New Adult’ that I read.
Number of books I’ve read by Tammara Webber: 7
Stephenie Meyer

I actually had a tie here between Stephenie Meyer and She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and while I still love the books the latter wrote, I don’t really want to promote the author at this time. (And Twilight is my first love, so….) If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know who Stephenie Meyer is, she’s the author of several books, her most well-known being The Twilight Saga. 😉
Number of books I’ve read by Stephenie Meyer: 8
Edith Wharton

I discovered Edith Wharton in high school when I was assigned Ethan Frome to read. I fell in love with her writing style and read many more of her novels in college, even choosing them as subjects for some of my assigned papers. Her best-known novel, besides Ethan Frome, is probably The Age of Innocence.
Number of books I’ve read by Edith Wharton: 9
Beverly Cleary

If you were a child of the 1980s like me, Beverly Cleary was the author to read. She’s best-known for her beloved, Ramona Quimby series. My memory is not the greatest, but I’ve counted the books I could remember reading for sure. 🙂
Number of books I’ve read by Beverly Cleary: 10
Maggie Stiefvater

Maggie Stiefvater is a young adult fantasy author best-known for The Raven Cycle series. She’s definitely in my top-5 favorites. She’s also one of my favorite authors to follow on social media.
Number of books I’ve read by Maggie Stiefvater: 13
Cassandra Clare

Cassandra Clare is a prolific writer of young adult fantasy, best known for The Mortal Instruments series, with multiple other series based in the same Shadowhunter World.
Number of books I’ve read by Cassandra Clare: 14
C.S. Lewis

I have a college class to thank for my copius reading of my next author, C.S. Lewis. It still amazes me that I read all of these in one semester! Although, they’re not very lengthy books. He is best-known for his children’s book series, The Chronicles of Narnia.
Number of books I’ve read by C.S. Lewis: 18
Dean Koontz

My third most-read author is actually a tie with my fourth, but since Koontz’s books are longer, I put him ahead of C.S. Lewis. I’ve been a fan of Koontz’s thrillers for many years, but I’ve still only read a fraction from his abundant library. He’s best-known for his Odd Thomas series.
Number of books I’ve read by Dean Koontz: 18
Janet Evanovich

My second most-read author is the romance author of the very successful (and still going strong) Stephanie Plum series, about the hilarious escapades of a female bounty hunter—that strangely enough hasn’t seemed to age since the first novel was published twenty-six years ago. 😉
Number of books I’ve read by Janet Evanovich: 28
Lindsay Buroker

I was surprised to discover my most-read author is Lindsay Buroker. When I first discovered her seven years ago, I became a huge fan of her series, The Emperor’s Edge. As an indie author, she published her books quickly, which helped me devour them, even rereading many of them. Her character-driven fantasy books are filled with humor, adventure, and a bit of romance. She also writes under a pseudonym, Ruby Lionsdrake, but she’s still my top-read author even without including the books I’ve read under her pseudonym. What’s also surprising is it’s been several years since I’ve read one of her books. And as I was counting up the books I’ve read by her, I discovered she has kept up her writing pace. I’m not sure I’ll ever get caught up. 🙂
Number of books I’ve read by Lindsay Buroker: 37
as Lindsay Buroker: 31
as Ruby Lionsdrake: 6

Do we have any top-read authors in common? Were you surprised by who made your list? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

I like how you framed your list. Also, that you numbered how many books you read from each other. Doing that would have saved me some time. XD
Thank you! It took some scrolling and perusing through Goodreads to weed out the re-reads. 😉
I loved C.S. Lewis’ Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe. Such a good read!
Yes! A true classic. <3
What a great list! I had no idea that C.S. Lewis had written so many books! Clearly I should have done some exploration beyond Narnia.
Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday!
Ha! Yes, he’s definitely most-known for Narnia, but most of his books are non-fiction. 🙂
Great list, thanks for sharing! I’ve been meaning to try Evanovitch recently….
My TTT is here http://bookloverssanctuary.com/2020/07/07/top-ten-tuesday-authors-i-have-read-most-books-by/
She’s a great author to read when you want something fun that you don’t have to think too hard about. 😉
Janet Evanovich was top of my list but I hadn’t heard of your number 1 author. I was intrigued to see Edith Wharton on your list.
Yes, Buroker is an indie author, so not very well-known, but definitely under-appreciated. 😉 Wharton was my college obsession. Ha!
I keep seeing authors I could have had on my post! I’ve read the entire Narnia series and that was definitely enough to include on my list ?♂️
Awww. You could always do a Part 2! 😉
Oooh good idea! I’ll probably forget most of them before I can do it though.
Maggie Stiefvater would definitely be high up on my list as well! Love how you set up this post! 🙂
I love her so much! Thank you!! <3
I love Maggie Stiefvater, but there’s still quite a few of her books I haven’t read: I’ve read The Raven Cycle, Call Down The Hawk and The Scorpio Races, but I haven’t read her other series!
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2020/07/07/top-ten-tuesday-271/
I wasn’t a HUGE fan of The Wolves of Mercy Falls or her faerie series, but I’m such a big fan of her writing that I still enjoyed them both. 🙂
I don’t believe I’ve ever read any of Edith Wharton’s work! Is The Age of Innocence the best place to start?
My TTT .
Hmm. I would say yes. Ethan Frome is a much shorter but darker read. The Age of Innocence is clever and subtle. But I love both. 😉
Beverly Cleary!!! She was such a staple when I was a child!!
Yes! For some reason I was obsessed with Socks. I guess because I really loved cats?? Ha! I remember checking it out of the library over and over. 😉
Stephenie Meyer and C.S. Lewis almost made my list this week! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
Oooh, I’m anxious to see who beat them out! 😉
I’ve never heard of Lindsay Buroker, and I am shocked considering the number of books she has had published!!!
Yes, she’s an indie author, but I think she’s highly under-appreciated. I recommend The Emperor’s Edge to everyone I can. I’ve read it multiple times. 🙂
I love your list! I have been dying to try out the Stephanie Plum series, and I hope to get to it very soon, as I’ve heard only amazing stuff about it. I only read The Raven Boys, and I need to find the right mood to read the entire series, but I’m excited for it. Happy reading!
Oh I hope you enjoy Stephanie Plum! I laugh so much in those books. Although, some more than others. 😉 And I love love love The Raven Cycle. I hope you get to finish it. <3
I know I have read a lot of Beverly Cleary’s books, but since that was in my pre-Goodreads days, I have no idea how many! 🙂 And your comments about She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named made me laugh… but I also completely agree with your points!
Ha! Yes, I had to trust my unreliable memory about Cleary when I first joined Goodreads. I’m pretty sure there are a few that I didn’t mark ‘read’ that I actually did read, though. 🙂
You’ve got a lot of great authors on your list! I definitely would have had Meyer and Clare on mine. I am now getting excited for Midnight Sun.. it’s almost here. haha
Yes!!! Now I’m just trying to decide do I reread Twilight or the entire series before I pick up Midnight Sun? Or do I reread Twilight, then read Midnight Sun, then go on to finish rereading the rest of the series. So many decisions!! 😉
I’ve read a bunch of books by Evanovich, too, though I think you have me beat. I used to read her for quick escape but then grew tired of the books for how similar they were…(exploding car, and grandma at the funeral home scenes.) Ha!
Ha! Yes, they can get redundant. I think that I just like the comfort and nostalgia of it. <3
I wanted to participate, but didn’t have time this week. Wow, 18 books by CS Lewis!
This one did take a bit more preparation. 🙂
Cassandra Clare made my list today too. Beverly Cleary possibly could make my list, but I read those books so long ago I couldn’t tell you which ones I’ve read or not. That was before Goodreads too.
Yes! When I first joined Goodreads in 2011, I marked which ones I’d read, so I had to just trust my past assessment, because I definitely can’t remember them all now. I’m sure I left a few off, too. 🙂
I’d never heard of Lindsay Buroker before, glad to learn of a new-to-me author!
Oh I hope you give her a try! I think she is so under-appreciated. Especially for fans of fantasy. 🙂
I read a lot of Lemony Snicket and Jacqueline Wilson when I was younger. As an adult I think the most by one author is probably Jojo Moyes!
Anika | chaptersofmay.com
Can you believe I still haven’t read anything by Jojo Moyes?? But I own 3 or 4 of her books. Ha. I need to make that happen. 🙂
What a great list, Dedra. I looked at this post after I did mine. I probably would have included both Beverly Cleary and Janet Evanovich on mine if I had looked at this first. My problem is that there are many authors that I read faithfully before I started using Goodreads, so all their books are not on my lists. There are a couple of authors on here that I have not heard of before, so will be checking them out.
Yes! I had the same problem. Thankfully, when I joined Goodreads in 2011 I added all the books I could *remember* reading from my childhood. So I just had to trust my assessment. 😉 I know there are some I’ve forgotten. And yay for discovering new authors! I hope you enjoy them if you decide to pick up a book by them. <3
My top ten was different from what I expected too. I knew the top 2, and I had a feeling some of the others would show up, but most were surprises.
Isn’t that funny?? I was not expecting that at all. 🙂
I own so many of Beverly Cleary’s books and absolutely adored them growing up! Sadly, that’s the only one I have in common. I only ever read The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe from C.S. Lewis…although I’ve owned the entire series for years now. I really need to read that series. I wish I had of done this week’s topic, though I had so many favorite authors in my childhood, I wouldn’t even know which ones I read the most from. Lemony Snicket and Mary Pope Osborne were probably among them.
It was hard to figure out some of these authors. I based it strictly off my Goodreads. There are probably more authors from my childhood that I haven’t remembered. 😉 I hope you get to finish The Chronicles of Narnia someday!
Wow, I didn’t actually know Stephanie Meyer had released eight books. I feel so out of the loop. xD I actually haven’t read any Maggie Stiefvater yet, and I’m totally ashamed of myself, but I need to start working through her backlist for sure! Everyone seems to love her.