Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: 2020 Five-Star Predictions

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books on my 2020 TBR I Predict Will be 5-Star Reads!

Hello Readers! January seemed to last forever, but I feel like I had a productive month. However, I did not have a single 5-star read last month. And I am not a reader that is stingy with granting five stars. Most of the books I read end up somewhere between three to four and a half stars. It’ll be interesting to look back at the end of the year and see how many of my predictions were accurate. I will not be including any books that will be rereads.

(Link to synopsis on Goodreads through the book title.)


The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller


Beach Read by Emily Henry


Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid


Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare


What You Wish For by Katherine Center


In Five Years by Rebecca Serle


Missoula by Jon Krakauer


A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diane Gabaldon


All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

Have you read any of these? Did you give them five stars? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

77 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: 2020 Five-Star Predictions”

    1. I guess I need to make sure and move All the Light to the top of my tbr if my first two comments are saying it’s a definite 5-star read. 🙂

    1. Yes! I’m a big Katherine Center fan. I feel like anything by her is a guaranteed 5-stars. 🙂

    1. Six of Crows is at the top of my tbr! I can’t believe I haven’t read it yet. And yes, very high expectations for Chain of Gold. <3

  1. I rated Six of Crows 5 stars when I read it.
    I still have to finish Cassandra Clare’s previous trilogy before I can jump into any of the newer ones. But I hope you will enjoy it. The cover looks so stunning.

    1. I’m so excited to finally read Six of Crows! And I’m all caught up with Clare’s books, except for maybe the short stories. I hope you get to them soon! 🙂

    1. Ha! It seems like everyone is saying that. I, at least, felt like I accomplished a lot with the month that dragged on forever. 😉

      All the Light We Cannot See is one of the books that gets recommended to me the most. I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to pick it up. Hopefully this is the year!

    1. I want an ARC so desperately of What You Wish For. I ended up with ARCs of her last two novels, but I have a feeling it will be harder to get one now that she’s gained popularity. 😉

      I hope Beach Read is as good as it sounds. It’s getting a lot of hype!

  2. Daisy and the Six seems to be a favorite among bloggers, so I’m sure you will enjoy that one. I just had my first five-star read of the year, so you are not alone when it comes to wondering where those five-star reads are. Happy reading!

    1. Oh, I’m glad you got your first five-star read! I finally did, too. I just finished The Kiss Quotient and I loved it! Happy Reading to you too. 🙂

    1. Yes! I have high expectations for Chain of Gold. Hopefully it’s five stars for both of us. 🙂 I loved Rebecca Serle’s previous book, The Dinner List, so I’m hoping In Five Years will be the same. Happy Reading!

  3. I’ve seen people raving about Daisy Jones & the Six so frequently, that I have to check it out! I heard the audio book is really good, apparently it has a full cast!
    I think Six of Crows will be a 5 star read for me too. I plan to read it (finally!) this year but just going off everything I’ve heard. I already love it! XD
    The cover for Chain of Gold gets me every time!! It’s so beautiful!
    I hope all your predictions hold true and that all of these become favourites!!
    Happy Reading! <3

    1. I actually got the audiobook of Daisy Jones because I’ve heard such great things, and I don’t typically do audiobooks. I’m excited to get to it! I’m happy to hear I’m not the only one who hasn’t read Six of Crows. Hopefully we both love it! And I can’t wait to get my hands on Chain of Gold. 😉 Happy Reading to you, too!

    1. Oh yay! I keep hearing so many good things. I’m excited to get to it! Hopefully we both love In Five Years, too!

    1. I’ve had several comments saying ATLWCS is a top read. I think I need to move it up the tbr! 😉

  4. Six of crows and all the light we cannot see are two of my favorite books with 5-star ratings? I hope you enjoy them both and your predictions come true!

    I’ll be interested to read your thoughts on one five years’ since I have pre ordered that book to read in March/April too?

    1. Those are the top two everyone else agrees are five-star reads. I’m excited to finally get to them!

      I’m *planning* on having In Five Years done by March and I will be sure to post a review! <3

    1. I will be surprised if they’re not 5 stars for me, too, with all the glowing recommendations. 😉 I’m excited to finally read them!

  5. Daisy Jones and the Six and All the Light We Cannot See are both amazing books. I hope you’ll enjoy them when you get to read them.

  6. That’s a great mix of books. I’ve been wanting to read MISSOULA. I loved SIX OF CROWS and CROOKED KINGDOM. I think I started ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE and was enjoying it but didn’t finish because I got pulled onto other books. I need to pick it up again. 🙂

    1. I’ve had all of these on my shelf for years. Hopefully this is the year I finally read them all! I hope you get to Missoula and get to finish ATLWCS, as well. 🙂

  7. Six of Crows is definitely a 5-star read! And oooh, I’ve also read All the Light We Cannot See, but I think it was more of a 4 stars for me–beautiful writing, but a bit unnecessarily long.

    And oooh, I almost put Song of Achilles on my list! Fingers crossed we both love it when we pick it up! 🙂

    1. She has become an auto-buy author for me. I loved How To Walk Away, too! I hope you enjoy more from her. 🙂

    1. Oh yay! I think you’re the first one to mention A Breath of Snow and Ashes. Happy to hear you liked it. <3

  8. January was the month that wouldn’t die, it shouldn’t feel as long as it does, it’s the same length as several other months!

    Six of Crows looks very good, and not just because of that beautiful cover! And The Song of Achilles has been on my radar forever.

    (Maybe it’s just a problem on my end, but some of the links to Goodreads go the wrong books, like your link for “In Five Years” goes to “Faranheit 451”.)

  9. The Song of Achilles and Six of Crows were both 5-star books for me. I hope you enjoy them and that February brings you some more 5-star reads! 🙂

  10. I’ve read Six of Crows and really enjoyed it! I hope you do, too. It’s hard not to just love Kaz. All the Light We Cannot See is still on my TBR, too. I’ve heard such good things about it, but I just haven’t had a chance to pick it up yet.

    1. Yes, both of those have been sitting on my shelf for far too long! I’m determined to finally get to them this year. 😉

  11. All The Light We Cannot See is definitely a five star read. Can’t wait to see what you think of it. I’ve both read the physical book and listened to the audio book, which I also highly recommend. It was fantastic!

    1. All the praise for it has made me even more excited to get to it. Hopefully it’ll be soon! 🙂

  12. Omg it’s a BIG yes to this list! SoA absolutely wrecked me and I remember crying a fair amount reading All the Light We Cannot See! Daisy Jones and SoC were also amazing reads ? I’m really excited for Beach Read and In Five Years too! I hope all of these end up being five-stars for you ?

    1. Yay!! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed all of them. All the lovely words for these books have made me even more excited to read them. <3

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