Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Books I’m Worried I Might Not Love as Much the Second Time Around. But I did a bit of a twist! Hello Readers! In my …
Tag: The Hunger Games
My 2023 End-of-the-Year Reading Wrap-Up
Hello Readers! Happy New Year! Before we say goodbye to 2023, it’s nice to look back on our reading year and see what worked and what didn’t, what goals we met, what new bookish things we discovered, and what maybe we decided to let go. Sometimes it’s only while working on my year-end wrap-ups that …
My 2023 Popsugar Reading Challenge Wrap-Up
Hello Readers! This has been my sixth year to participate in the Popsugar Reading Challenge. What I like about this challenge is it pushes me out of my comfort zones a bit, but I can almost always find books off my own shelf to fill the prompts. And I think 2023 may have been my …
Top Ten Tuesday: Secondary Characters Who Got Their Own Book
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is a Secondary/Minor Characters Who Deserve Their Own Book, but I’m twisting it just a bit. Hello Readers! How are we in the last week of September?! …
20 Books of Summer 2023 Wrap-Up
I so enjoyed joining in the #20BooksOfSummer23 challenge again this year, hosted by Cathy @ 746 Books! It’s a first, but I managed to read ALL the books on this challenge! Probably thanks to my participation in the Trope-ical Readathon in August, which helped me read more than I typically read in a month. I …
July 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! If you take a look back at My July TBR, you’ll see I read all of the books I had planned plus some. I spent most of the month on a blogging hiatus, which allowed me even more time to read, although, I didn’t read much the first week. I read 7 books, …
My July 2023 TBR
Hello Readers! I’m currently on my first ever blogging hiatus, but I did schedule some posts for while I’m gone. And, of course, I’ll be blog hopping when I return in about two weeks! I’ll be keeping my July TBR very low pressure so I can hopefully enjoy some mood reading off my #20BooksOfSummer23 Challenge …
The Mid-Year Freak Out Tag of 2023
How are we already midway through 2023?! Am I on track to reach my reading goals? Is it time for me to freak out? OR am I doing better than I think? I’m hoping this tag will put everything in perspective and help me to have a better grasp on the rest of my reading …
My Popsugar Reading Challenge for 2023 Mid-Year Update
Hello Readers! This is my sixth year to participate in the Popsugar Reading Challenge. What I like about this challenge is it pushes me out of my comfort zones a bit, but I can almost always find books off my own shelf to fill the prompts. There’s an informative Goodreads group, as well as a …
My June 2023 TBR
Hello Readers! I have another ambitious TBR for June, which includes mostly ARCs and re-reads, but two new books, as well. I’m hoping to cross off the final books on My Spring TBR, get started on my #20BooksOfSummer23 Challenge, and continue to cross off prompts from My Popsugar Challenge. If you look back at My …