My February 2023 TBR

Hello Readers! I hope you’re warm and well wherever you are. We were iced in down here in Texas, and that’s something we’re not very used to. But I enjoyed the extra time to read and blog! February is Valentine’s and my birthday month, neither of which I celebrate too much 😂, but I do …

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Book Challenge TBR

My Popsugar Reading Challenge for 2023

Hello Readers! This will be my sixth year to participate in the Popsugar Reading Challenge. What I like about this challenge is it pushes me out of my comfort zones a bit, but I can almost always find books off my own shelf to fill the prompts. There’s an informative Goodreads group, as well as …

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Book Haul TBR Unboxing

My Winter 2022 Book HookUp Unboxing

After visiting New York, my husband gifted me a subscription to The Strand’s The Book HookUp. We’d visited New York City for the first time at Christmas in 2018, stopping in at The Strand bookstore, of course, so it was the perfect gift. What I love about this subscription is that it’s quarterly, so not …

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