Book Haul Monthly Wrap-Up TBR

January 2024 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul

Hello Readers! As usual, January was a loooooong month, but I’m not complaining. I needed it! I’m still trying to catch up on reading and blogging from my hiatus in December. I only read 4 books and 1 short story in January (for a total of 1,487 pages), but 3 of them were advanced copies …

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Book Haul TBR Unboxing

My Winter 2023 Book HookUp Unboxing

After visiting New York, my husband gifted me a subscription to The Strand’s The Book HookUp. We’d visited New York City for the first time at Christmas in 2018, stopping in at The Strand bookstore, of course, so it was the perfect gift. What I love about this subscription is that it’s quarterly, so not …

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