Book Challenge TBR

My Popsugar Reading Challenge for 2021

Hello Readers! This will be my fourth year to participate in the Popsugar Reading Challenge! If you’ve never heard of the challenge, you can learn about it here. There’s also an informative Goodreads group here, as well as a Facebook group—but I’m not currently using Facebook. What I like about this challenge is it pushes …

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My December TBR

Hello Readers! After working so hard all year to keep up with my ARCs and cross off all the books on my reading challenges, I like to reserve December as my month to mood-read and enjoy all those holiday books I’ve been saving up throughout the past year. Typically, I end up not getting to …

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Popsugar 2020
Book Challenge

My 2020 Popsugar Reading Challenge Wrap-Up

This was my third year to participate in the Popsugar Reading Challenge, and when I was planning my reading year out, I had no idea a pandemic was around the corner. Or that that Popsugar would release a summer and fall challenge, as well. (Here’s My 2020 Popsugar Summer Reading Challenge Wrap-Up post!) If you …

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My November TBR

Hello Readers! My November TBR may look similar to My October TBR. I ended up shifting some books around when I decided to participate in Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) again this year. I try not to read anything too consuming while I’m writing. This will be my sixth year to participate, and while part …

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My October TBR

Hello Readers! It feels like yesterday that I was working on my September TBR. But here we are already in October! What a strange and weird year this has been. But at least it’s been a great reading year! My TBR this month is a mixed bag thanks to a couple of ARCs I have …

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Book Challenge

My 2020 Popsugar Summer Reading Challenge Wrap-Up

This is my third year to participate in the regular Popsugar Reading Challenge, but I had no idea that spin-off challenges even existed! So I was simultaneously excited and anxious when I saw they’d released a SUMMER challenge! Anxious because did I really want to add to the stack of books I was already reading …

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My September TBR | ARCs and Anniversaries

Hello Readers! In August, I enjoyed spending the month revisiting one of my favorite series, but in September it’s back to catching up on my ARCs! I have five ARCs to read in September and four more coming up in October, so I don’t want to get behind. I’m also finishing up my Popsugar Summer …

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