Hello Readers! If you take a look back at My June TBR, you’ll see I read 5 of the 7 books I had planned. My TBR changed mostly because of books on my Libby waitlist becoming available. I did read a total of 6 books and 1 short story, with a total of 2,051 pages. …
Tag: Golden Hills
My June 2023 TBR
Hello Readers! I have another ambitious TBR for June, which includes mostly ARCs and re-reads, but two new books, as well. I’m hoping to cross off the final books on My Spring TBR, get started on my #20BooksOfSummer23 Challenge, and continue to cross off prompts from My Popsugar Challenge. If you look back at My …
May 2023 Book Haul
Hello Readers! It’s June, which means it’s time to look back at what I added to my physical and digital shelves in May. The month was heavy on Advanced Reader Copies, but they’re nicely spaced out over the next several months so I’m not panicking too much. 😉 I also picked up some new books …