Book Challenge End-of-the-Year Wrap-Up

My 2023 Popsugar Reading Challenge Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! This has been my sixth year to participate in the Popsugar Reading Challenge. What I like about this challenge is it pushes me out of my comfort zones a bit, but I can almost always find books off my own shelf to fill the prompts. And I think 2023 may have been my …

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Book Challenge TBR

20 Books of Summer 2023 Wrap-Up

I so enjoyed joining in the #20BooksOfSummer23 challenge again this year, hosted by Cathy @ 746 Books! It’s a first, but I managed to read ALL the books on this challenge! Probably thanks to my participation in the Trope-ical Readathon in August, which helped me read more than I typically read in a month. I …

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My July 2023 TBR

Hello Readers! I’m currently on my first ever blogging hiatus, but I did schedule some posts for while I’m gone. And, of course, I’ll be blog hopping when I return in about two weeks! I’ll be keeping my July TBR very low pressure so I can hopefully enjoy some mood reading off my #20BooksOfSummer23 Challenge …

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Book Tag

The Mid-Year Freak Out Tag of 2023

How are we already midway through 2023?! Am I on track to reach my reading goals? Is it time for me to freak out? OR am I doing better than I think? I’m hoping this tag will put everything in perspective and help me to have a better grasp on the rest of my reading …

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Book Challenge TBR

20 Books of Summer 2023

I’ll be joining in the #20BooksOfSummer23 challenge again this year, hosted by Cathy @ 746 Books! You can check out the announcement here if you’d like to join, as well! What I like most about this challenge is the flexibility. You can choose to read 10, 15, or 20 books from June 1 until September …

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Book Challenge TBR

My Popsugar Reading Challenge for 2023

Hello Readers! This will be my sixth year to participate in the Popsugar Reading Challenge. What I like about this challenge is it pushes me out of my comfort zones a bit, but I can almost always find books off my own shelf to fill the prompts. There’s an informative Goodreads group, as well as …

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