End-of-the-Year Wrap-Up

My 2023 End-of-the-Year Reading Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! Happy New Year! Before we say goodbye to 2023, it’s nice to look back on our reading year and see what worked and what didn’t, what goals we met, what new bookish things we discovered, and what maybe we decided to let go. Sometimes it’s only while working on my year-end wrap-ups that …

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Book Tag

The Mid-Year Freak Out Tag of 2023

How are we already midway through 2023?! Am I on track to reach my reading goals? Is it time for me to freak out? OR am I doing better than I think? I’m hoping this tag will put everything in perspective and help me to have a better grasp on the rest of my reading …

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Book Review

Book Review | Chain of Thorns by Cassandra Clare

Title: Chain of ThornsAuthor: Cassandra ClareGenre: YA, FantasyPublished On: January 31, 2023Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry BooksSource: physicalPages: 800 Synopsis: James and Cordelia must save London—and their marriage—in this thrilling and highly anticipated conclusion to the Last Hours series from the #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Thorns is a Shadowhunters novel. Cordelia Carstairs has …

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My February 2023 TBR

Hello Readers! I hope you’re warm and well wherever you are. We were iced in down here in Texas, and that’s something we’re not very used to. But I enjoyed the extra time to read and blog! February is Valentine’s and my birthday month, neither of which I celebrate too much 😂, but I do …

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