Book Haul TBR

April 2023 Book Haul

Hello Readers! I had a good reading month in April. You can see what I read in My April Wrap-Up. Today I’m sharing the books I added to my physical and digital shelves in April. I picked up 4 ARCs, and while that would normally cause me a little stress since I’m trying to limit …

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Monthly Wrap-Up

April 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! Another month has flown by, and we’re finally enjoying some warmer and dryer weather here. I was able to sit outside and read for a little yesterday evening, which was nice! I read 7 books and one short story this month, for a total of 2,250 pages. For the first time in a …

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Book Tag

The 2023 Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag

Hello Readers! When I saw this tag making the rounds, I had to stop and count the months. It didn’t seem like a fourth of the year had already gone by. 😅 It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a tag, so I decided to join in the fun. I’m hoping by taking stock …

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My April 2023 TBR

Hello Readers! I think this is my last post to be caught up for the week. I had fun participating in the Trope-ical Readathon last month, but I always struggle with choosing between reading and blogging when I’m participating in a monthly challenge. Since I did read so much last month, my TBR for April …

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Book Haul TBR

March 2023 Book Haul

Hello Readers! Since I participated in the Trope-ical Readathon last month, and spent every extra minute reading instead of blogging, I’m still trying to get caught up on posts. But thanks to the readathon, I had a great reading month, which I shared in My March Wrap-Up. With my wrap-up being extra big, I decided …

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