Hello Readers! It took me a little longer to get back into the “normal” swing of things after the holidays. I started the month in a bit of a reading slump, but thanks to my January ARCs demanding my attention, I pushed through it, traveling to all kinds of different destinations. And despite the fact …
Tag: Book Haul
December 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! December was very different from normal for us here in Texas. It felt like Covid-19 was closing in swiftly as we watched some of our extended family and friends come down with it. While we’ve been social distancing and isolating all year, many here have not—which, sadly, has caused some tension in our …
November 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! We made it through November!! And what a month it has been. Highs and lows that pretty much sum up the whole year. But I’m not going to talk about anything going on outside of books, today. There’s too much. I participated in NaNoWriMo for my seventh year (!!), I reached (and passed) …
October 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! Happy Halloween to those who celebrate! I can’t believe it’s the end of October, and we’re finally closing in on the last few days before our election here in the U.S. We didn’t know if this day would ever come. 😉 If you look back at My October TBR, you’ll see that I …
September 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! Fall is officially here for us and thanks to the cooler weather, I’ve been spending more time outside reading. I’m pretty happy with my reading for last month. I’m caught up on my ARCs and I’ve finished up my Popsugar Summer Reading Challenge. They just released a Fall Challenge (thankfully with only 10 …
August 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! Welllll, I didn’t realize that this month would turn into Twilight August, but I guess I should have. Whenever I revisit a series I know and love, it’s hard for me to find my way back out. 😉 I had so much fun, though, and I highly recommend getting lost in your favorite …
July 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! August is here. Whether we’re ready for it or not. As we get closer to the end of the year, I am surprised by the fact that I’m hopeful. Hopeful that things will get better. Let’s just say, I’m feeling optimistic. I may feel completely different tomorrow, though. 😉 Looking back at My …
June 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! How is it that the months are flying by when all I’m doing is staying home?? It’s a weird feeling—wanting this year to be over, but also wanting time to slow down. Anyone else feeling like that?? Looking back at My June TBR, I was happy to see I read all but one—even …
May 2020 Monthly Book Haul
Hello Readers! I would like to start by saying that posting a normal monthly book haul post seems strange while my country and the world is hurting. As a person with white privilege, I sometimes feel unequipped to even begin to understand what people of color are going through, have gone through, and will go …
April 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! I’ve seen other bloggers say it feels like the weeks are flying and dragging by at the same time. I have to say I agree. Which seems impossible, but here we are. I seemed to have climbed out of the reading slump I landed in in March thanks to some stellar books and …