Hello Readers! Today my little book blog is four years old!! I finally feel like I’ve settled in to blogging life—so much so, I almost forgot my blogiversary. Oops. And I even took my very first hiatus in July. Now I feel like a real blogger. 😆 While there are things I feel more comfortable …
Tag: blog birthday
A Book Wanderer’s Third Blogiversary & Giveaways!
Hello Readers! My little blog is 3 years old today! When I started my blog, I was yearning for a way to share my love of books, have a place where I could organize my thoughts about said books, and find others to exchange those thoughts with. This blog has become that and so much …
A Book Wanderer’s Second Blogiversary Giveaway!
Today it’s been TWO years since I shared my first post on A Book Wanderer! When I started my blog, I was yearning for a way to share my love of books, have a place where I could organize my thoughts about said books, and find others to exchange those thoughts with. This blog has …
A Book Wanderer’s One Year Blogiversary Giveaway!!!
(Is it blogoversary or blogiversary?? I’m so confused. 😉 ) Today it’s been one year since I shared my very first post on this blog! (If you’re curious, it was a review of Frankly in Love by David Yoon.) I’d wanted to start a blog for years, even purchasing my domain several years ago, but …