Hello Readers! I hope you’re all staying well. It’s so frustrating to see the pandemic ramping up again here in the states. We had a bit of a scare when my father-in-law came down with Covid. Thankfully he was vaccinated and only has a mild case so far. We also avoided getting it. Yay for …
Tag: Beth O'Leary
My July TBR
Hello Readers! I’m just finally getting my July TBR (to-be-read) posted. I’ve been catching up on blog posts and it coincided with the end of the month. 😉 My TBR for this month will be a little different. I managed to stay ahead on my ARCs in June. I have one I’m currently reading, but …
June 2021 Book Haul
Hello Readers! Thanks to being fully vaccinated and low case numbers here, my daughter and I visited a few thrift stores for the first time in over a year. Which means my haul for June was bigger than normal. I also had so many books off my Paperbackswap list becoming available, I didn’t have enough …
Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Wishes
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Bookish Wishes (Jana’s birthday is today, so celebrate with her by granting the wishes of your friends! This is a popular thing to do on …