Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is a Freebie! Hello Readers! I hope this week’s TTT finds you well. I’m currently on a blogging hiatus, but I did schedule some posts ahead …
Tag: Ashley Elston
January 2022 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! I haven’t been able to combine my wrap-up and haul since May of last year, but I finally read more than I added to my shelves. 😉 I don’t know if it was just me, but it felt like January had a few extra weeks. But I wasn’t complaining. Due to the resurgence …
My Winter Book HookUp Unboxing
In 2019, my husband gifted me a subscription to The Strand’s The Book HookUp. We’d visited New York City for the first time the previous Christmas in 2018, stopping in at The Strand bookstore, of course, so it was the perfect gift. What I love about this subscription is that it’s quarterly, so not a …
My January TBR
Hello Readers! I hope you’re all warm and well at the start of a new year. While we had an unseasonably warm Christmas, the cold has finally settled in here, but at least the sun is shining! I’m still playing catch-up on all the posts I didn’t have ready to go, and it will be …
December 2021 Book Haul
Hello Readers! I hope your new year has started well! I wasn’t quite ready for it, which is why my haul post is going up later than usual. Better late than never, right?! You can see what I read in my December 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up post, and see what I thought about my reading year …
My December TBR
Hello Readers! We’ve made it to December! And while this year flew by, I’m always happy to arrive at the last month of the year, because it means I finally get to pick up seasonal reads! I’ve finished my ARCs for the year, all my reading challenges, and met my Goodreads goal. It’s nice to …