Hello Readers! We were hoping July would take the heat with it when it left, but we’re supposed to reach a sweltering 104 today and tomorrow here in Texas. I hope you’re cool and well wherever you’re reading this from! I’m a few days late with my July haul because I’m still playing catch-up on …
Tag: Amazon First Reads
June 2022 Book Haul
Hello Readers! I hope you’re enjoying your weekend, finding time to relax and enjoy some reading, as well. I’m happy to say my haul was under control this month. I added a few used books from paperbackswap, picked up some vintage books while out of town, and added a few eARCs (advanced readers copies), as …
May 2022 Book Haul
Hello Readers! I had a great reading month in May and you can check out my May Wrap-Up to see what all I read. I also managed to add quite a few books to my physical and digital shelves. Mostly thanks to being stuck at home with Covid and some great sales. 😃 I also …
April 2022 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! The beginning of April feels so long ago but at the same time the month seemed to fly by! I spent the month participating in Camp NaNoWriMo. I’ve been working on a previous Nano project, which I spent the month continuing to edit. I didn’t get as much accomplished as I’d hoped, but …
March 2022 Book Haul
Hello Readers! Once again I’m scrambling to catch up on posts and blog hops. My middle child has moved to her first apartment (cue all the mixed emotions), and I’ve been busy helping her get ready—shopping, packing, moving, and then cleaning the room she left behind. 😉 It never fails that these big life events …
February 2022 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul
Hello Readers! I spent the last few days of the month scrambling to finish up two books for review, so my end of the month posts are running a bit behind. Which is why I’m combining my Wrap-Up and Haul again. I apologize for the lengthy post. 🙂 Considering I spent most of the month …
December 2021 Book Haul
Hello Readers! I hope your new year has started well! I wasn’t quite ready for it, which is why my haul post is going up later than usual. Better late than never, right?! You can see what I read in my December 2021 Monthly Wrap-Up post, and see what I thought about my reading year …
November 2021 Book Haul
Hello Readers! Am I the only one who is a little overwhelmed that the end of the year is almost here? I’m hoping December takes its time, but I know it won’t. Thankfully I’ve met my reading challenge goal, read all the ARCs I have for the year, and finished my Popsugar Challenge for the …
October 2021 Book Haul
Hello Readers! I had a phenomenal reading month in October thanks to pushing myself to finish My Popsugar Reading Challenge for the year, as well as all my ARCs. I wanted to free up November for Nanowrimo and December for seasonal reading. You can check out My October Wrap-Up to see what all I read. …
September 2021 Book Haul
Hello Readers! I had a great reading month in September, with a nice mix of ARCs, backlist books, and fall-themed books. If you’d like to see what I read, check out My September Wrap-Up! My September Haul is a little out of control, but when I wanted to order a book from Book Outlet, it …