Monthly Wrap-Up

May 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! I would like to start by saying that posting a normal monthly wrap-up post seems strange while my country and the world is hurting. As a person with white privilege, sometimes I feel unequipped to even begin to understand what people of color are going through, have gone through, and will go through. But I want to learn. I want to be someone who lifts up their voices, not ignores them or silences them. I’m starting by educating myself—listening, reading, looking within. Calling out racism when I see it. No longer being silent and looking the other way. Which is hard for a shy introvert, but so important. If you’re a person of color and you see something I need to correct or do better, please don’t hesitate to point it out to me. <3

Where did May go?? Seriously, it flew by. Somehow, I still managed to read 9 books this month. (3,825 pages, thanks to the super long A Breath of Snow and Ashes!) And several of those I rated five stars, so a fun and rewarding reading month. I decided to separate my wrap-up and haul this month since they were both large. You can check out my haul here!

Looking back at My May TBR I kept my expectations low so I could mood read, and I would say it worked. I read all four books on my list, plus some. 🙂

Be sure to check out The Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction!

(Link to synopsis on Goodreads through the book title.)

My May Wrap-Up

I started the month off finishing up A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon and I’d forgotten how much happens in these hefty books. Loved returning to the Outlander world!

Rating [usr 5]

Next, I picked up my ARC of Big Summer by Jennifer Weiner. This quick read is the perfect ‘beach read!’

Rating [usr 3.5]
My Review

The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morgenthaler was a last minute ARC I was approved for, and while I was nervous about this one, I had no reason to be. I loved it! I still find myself thinking about it.

Rating [usr 4]
My Review

One of my most anticipated ARCs of the year (so far) was Beach Read by Emily Henry.
I. Loved. This. Book.
I already want to reread it.

Rating [usr 5]
My Review

Hollywood Park by Mikel Jollett was an ARC I received from Celadon Books. It hadn’t even crossed my radar, but what a moving memoir. Right up there with Educated.

Rating [usr 5]
My Review

I felt like the last person to read Normal People by Sally Rooney, but I wanted to watch the new adaptation, so I ordered it and read it (in less than a day). I’m almost done with the series, and I think I like it even more than the book.

Rating [usr 4.5]
My Review

I read The Only Road by Alexandra Diaz with my son. This middle-grade book is the perfect introduction into the struggle of the undocumented immigrant. Based on a true story, it’s harrowing and unforgettable.

Rating [usr 5]

I won Summer Hours by Amy Mason Doan on Instagram, and I fell in love with this atmospheric book, as well. Another perfect ‘beach read’ or book club choice. It’s currently $2.99 on Amazon, too. 🙂

Rating [usr 5]
My Review

This month’s posts I also shared:

And my Top Ten Tuesday posts:

How was your reading month? Have you read any of these books? Did you add any of them to your TBR? Let me know in the comments!

Happy Wandering!

14 thoughts on “May 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up”

  1. Well said Dedra. Reading so many posts on facebook from persons of colour about what they go through regularly and how they are constantly walking on eggshells, I am horrified. We must all do what we can starting with teaching our children that all humans are equal. Great post.

  2. Glad to see so many people addressing Black Lives Matter. I agree that as a white woman, I sometimes feel like I can’t help—or that it’s not my place to—but we all need to stand up for what’s right or nothing will ever change.

  3. Yes! I couldn’t have said it better myself. I am half white and half Asian, and I have never had to deal with these horrible experiences that I am witnessing on the news or hearing about. It’s hard when some of my family members are ignorant about the Black Lives Matter movement, but I am trying to learn from this and prepare to teach my child. Well said!

    1. Yes, that’s what we struggle with too: family. It’s so hard to change the minds of those that have let racism become a way of life. But we have to keep learning and trying. And raise the next generation to not be that way. <3

  4. Yes to what you wrote about racism! I just hurt inside anytime peoples’ lives are not considered valuable–we are all human! I recently read The Poet X and now need everything by this author. I also read my first Ashley Woodfolk book and it won’t be my last. I think most of my favorite reads this year have turned out to be by black authors–including the 2 books above, I also loved Agnes at the End of the World, Slay, Sound of Stars (books, music, aliens!!!), From the Desk of Zoe Washington, to name a few.

    1. I just finished With the Fire on High today by Acevedo and now I want to read all her books, as well! Loved it! And now I’m off to look up all the other books you mentioned. Thank you so much for the recommendations! <3

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