Book Haul Monthly Wrap-Up TBR

July 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up & Book Haul

Hello Readers! If you take a look back at My July TBR, you’ll see I read all of the books I had planned plus some. I spent most of the month on a blogging hiatus, which allowed me even more time to read, although, I didn’t read much the first week. I read 7 books, …

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Monthly Wrap-Up

May 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! I haven’t done much blogging or reading the past week, and the end of the month snuck up on me. My husband took the last week of the month off from work, but we didn’t go anywhere, opting to stay home and tackle some projects here. We spent some time getting the yard …

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Monthly Wrap-Up

April 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! Another month has flown by, and we’re finally enjoying some warmer and dryer weather here. I was able to sit outside and read for a little yesterday evening, which was nice! I read 7 books and one short story this month, for a total of 2,250 pages. For the first time in a …

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Monthly Wrap-Up

March 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! Why is it that March felt like it simultaneously lasted forever AND flew by?? I stayed busy participating in the Trope-ical Readathon (here’s My Wrap-Up), and while I didn’t cross off every challenge, I’m still happy with how I did. Thanks to the readathon, I managed to read 8 books, 1 novella, and …

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Monthly Wrap-Up

January 2023 Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello Readers! As I’m writing this, we’re in the midst of a winter ice storm here in Texas. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem to be as bad as the last storm we had in 2021. But it definitely made me want to snuggle down and read, and I was able to squeeze in one more book …

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