Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is Fictional Crushes! Hello Readers! I hope today’s TTT finds you safe and well during these difficult times. With the real world being so scary right …
Day: August 30, 2021
ARC Review | Slanted and Disenchanted by Lisa Czarina Michaud
Title: Slanted and DisenchantedAuthor: Lisa Czarina MichaudGenre: Young Adult 17+Published On: September 21, 2021Publisher: Barre Chord PressSource: physical (author invitation)Pages: 320 Synopsis: She hates her family. He’s hiding behind his teenage sex life. They form a band as an escape. On tour, can they start over….or will all secrets come out on the open road? …