Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. This week’s prompt is a Book Titles that Would Make Great Song Titles (submitted by Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse). Surprise! I’m doing a bit of a twist.

Hello Readers! What an emotional week it’s been here in the United States! I was somewhat unplugged, having little brain power for much else than being glued to the news. I did very little blogging and very little reading, but I did manage to keep up with my Nanowrimo goals.
Now that we have some resolution—still with plenty of drama, of course—it feels safe to breathe again. I’m excited about the future, ready for change, ready to get to work! It was thrilling and humbling to see the world reacting along with us.
Now back to books! This week we’re looking at book titles that would make great song titles, but I decided to look at song titles that ARE book titles, instead. I had so much fun with this week’s Top Ten Tuesday! I hope you enjoy it, as well. 🙂
Be sure to at least check out the last song! <3

(Link to Goodreads synopsis through book title.)
You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson

Leah Johnson’s recently released You Should See Me in a Crown immediately causes me to start singing Billie Eilish’s song with the same name.
TW: If you have a problem with spiders, you may not want to watch the video…
Boomerang by Noelle August (Veronica Rossi)

I picked up a copy of Boomerang recently. Veronica Rossi wrote it under the pen name Noelle August. I haven’t read it yet, but every time my eyes land on it, I get Lucy Schwartz’s “Boomerang” stuck in my head. It maybe not the most well-known song, but it’s a fun one to sing along to all day. And the video is fun, too!
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

I own a copy of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go, but I haven’t read it yet, either. It always has me singing Florence + The Machine’s song by the same name. Florence is one of my very favorite artists who I was lucky to see in concert a few years ago.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote

I’ve never read Capote’s classic Breakfast at Tiffany’s, but the book or film will always have me singing Deep Blue’s Something’s 90s hit with the same title.
Only Love Can Break Your Heart by Ed Tarkington

Technically these titles aren’t an exact match, but while I was reading Ed Tarkinton’s Only Love Can Break Your Heart, I had Gene Pitney’s “Only Love Can Break A Heart” running on repeat in my head.
Linger by Maggie Stiefvater

Maggie Stiefvater’s Linger, the second book in The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series, always has me singing The Cranberries song by the same name—a song that I listened to on repeat when I was a teen. I was super saddened by the loss of lead singer Dolores O’Riordan.
Don’t You Forget About Me by Mhairi MacFarlane

Mhairi McFarlane’s Don’t You Forget About Me is on my TBR, and I’m sure it has everyone singing the unforgettable song by Simple Minds featured in the classic teen film by John Hughes, The Breakfast Club.
Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling

How about a little country? Mindy Kaling’s hilarious Why Not Me? always has me singing The Judd’s song by the same name. And I’m not even much of a country fan. 😉
Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson

I’m sure I’m not alone with this musical association. Anytime I see the cover of Since You’ve Been Gone, Kelly Clarkson immediately starts singing in my head.
Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury

The last one may just be a shameless plug (Ha!), but my daughter is a musician. She wrote and recorded this song after reading Ray Bradbury’s Dandelion Wine. Her song with the same name plays often on our local radio station, KXT 91.7. It has a lovely, summery feel. I hope you’ll give it a listen. 🙂

Can you think of song titles that cause you to sing? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering!

I also did a bit of a twist on mine this week! Also, now I have “Don’t You Forget About Me” stuck in my head. Thanks. 😛
Ha! Not a bad one to have stuck in your head. 😉
I still need to read “Since You’ve Been Gone.” It sounds like a really fun read, so here’s hoping it ends up being so after all this time sitting on my shelf. 😉
I remember really enjoying it–and being even kind of surprised by how much I enjoyed it, so hopefully you do, too!
I love the spin you put on the topic. I loved reading Linger, but I’d always sing The Cranberries song to myself while I read. I didn’t realize that You Should See Me in a Crown was a song though (and didn’t watch the video because … spiders). But I’m going to have to check it out on a non-video platform!
Here’s my TTT post: https://leahs-books.com/2020/11/10/ttt-book-titles-that-would-make-great-song-titles/
Ha! Yes, avoid that video! I don’t even have a problem with spiders and it creeped me out. But give the song a listen!
I like the way you twisted this topic. I included one book on my list that would fit on yours as well as an honorable mention.
Have a great day.
Thank you! Oh cool, I’m headed over to check your list out. 🙂
Great twist on this week’s topic! How exciting that your daughter’s song is often on your local radio. 😀
Thank you! It’s been fun watching her get some recognition. <3
Great list! I somehow forgot about Never Let Me Go for my list. 🙂 Classic song title.
Thanks! I love me some Florence. <3
Great list! Love your daughter’s song !
Thank you! <3 <3
Your daughter did a wonderful job with Dandelion Wine.
My post.
Thanks Lydia! <3
Andy Williams made Moon River his theme song. I fell in love with Audrey Hepburn at age 8. Some really great songs here. https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/2020/11/ttt-111020.html
Oh, that’s a great song. Always gives me chills. <3
Super fun twist for this week’s post! Love your creativity as always, Dedra ? Funny, I’ve had Linger stuck in my head for a few days now for some reason LOL but I also LOVE so many of these classic songs! I’m now gonna go listen to Linger (again) ?
Ha! Linger is a GREAT song to get stuck in your head. Just put it on repeat! 😉
Ah that’s cool, I love how you matched each book with a song of the same name 🙂
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2020/11/10/top-ten-tuesday-289/
I had a lot of fun with this one! 😉
Love that you matched these books with actual songs! I do also always start singing the Kelly Clarkson and Simple Minds song whenever I see Since You’ve Been Gone or Don’t You Forget About Me 🙂
Thanks! I knew I couldn’t be the only one to make that association. 😉
Oh wow! I hadn’t thought to link book titles up with real song titles this week, but this is a great twist! Love it!
Thank you! I had a lot of fun with it. <3
OMG I didn’t realize that Billie Eilish had a song with the same name!!! That is so cool. I’ll have to listen to that song one of these days, and thanks so much for the spider warning. I’m kind of tempted to see what you’re talking about but maybe when I’m home where I can scream and squeal about the spiders freely without judgement or getting in trouble for watching music videos at work lol. This was such a great take on the prompt this week. Amazing post 🙂
Haha! Yes, probably wait until you’re somewhere safe. It’s creepy, but oh so creative. A great song, too!
I love how you found videos for each book!
Thanks! I had fun with this week’s prompt. <3
I love what you did with this topic! It’s easy to forget how many titles are already songs. I especially loved seeing Since You’ve Been Gone. I need to listen to that song again soon.
It’s a GREAT song! The perfect break-up anthem. 😉
Great picks! When you said we had totally different books, I thought I would not have read any of these, but I have read a few of them. I feel like Johnson mentioned the Eilish song when she talked about her book.
I have not read When You See Me in a Crown, so she could have definitely mentioned the song. 🙂
I love how you paired up matching titles! The only ones I could think of right off that you didn’t have were from some Christmas titles.
Yes! Christmas songs could be its own separate post. Maybe I’ll do that as my December TTT… 😉
My kids and I love singing Linger! I love how you switched it up. I can imagine how fun this would have been!
Here’s my post: https://www.nbiblioholic.com/2020/11/ten-book-titles-that-would-make-great.html
It’s such a great song!! I did have a lot of fun with this prompt this week. 😉
Oof I made it about ten seconds into the “You Should See Me In A Crown” music video. Such a good song and book title, but those spiders!! Can’t say you didn’t warn me though ; )
Haha! Yeah, I had to watch it with one eye closed. 😉
I put You Should See Me In A Crown on my list not realising that it was an actual track!
Here’s my TTT!
Ha! That’s okay! My daughters are big Billie Eilish fans so I knew the song before I knew the book. 😉
Never Let Me Go is one of my all time favorites. I hope you enjoy it!
Lauren @ Always Me
Oh, that’s great to hear! I really need to read it soon. 🙂
My blogging and reading were non-existant too! I was hooked to CNN the whole week! haha. I loved seeing the reactions of the world. I’m more hopeful for a new direction and healing! <3
I love this list!! I had to stop my audiobook and turn Billie Eilish on.. so thanks! haha. 🙂
YES!! I think I’m having CNN withdrawals! LOL
Yay!! Finally another Billie Eilish fan. 😉
I love this post Dedra. So many of these songs bring back great memories. I am not singing away and will probably be awake all night with these songs going through my head.
Awww, I love to hear that—not that you might be up all night, but that you enjoyed the post. 😉 Thanks Carla! <3
Oh my greatness! This was the best post I’ve seen in a long time. How unbelievably clever of you!!! You really put some effort into this and it will definitely be a memorable post.
I haven’t read any of these books, but at least I know I few of the songs. Linger, Don’t you forget about me,
Since you’ve been gone, Breakfast at Tiffany’s…
Aaah I loved this post! Well done!
Elza Reads
Oh wow!! You’re so sweet. I had the best time making this post. I love when I can combine books and music. <3
And those are some of my very favorite songs. 😉
Oooh, I absolutely LOVE your twist on this one! Yeeees, I ALWAYS think of Billie Eilish’s song when I see that title. I’m so glad I’m not the only one. xD
Oh my goooosh, I haven’t heard Breakfast at Tiffany’s in such a long time haha. I love it!
Thank you Sammie! I had so much fun with this one. Breakfast at Tiffany’s was the most played song on the radio while I was at college (I’m really giving my age away now) and whenever I hear it, I get very nostalgic. 😉
Elza Reads gave you a shout out today on her blog. Very cool post!
How sweet of her! Thank you—and thank you for letting me know! <3